Ref.>"N. Korea refuses all contact with Japan"

>"【韓国】1月の出生数が過去最低を更新 急激な減少率"

>"徴用工供託金、韓国政府が日立造船に補償を 自民保守派"

>"韓国ゲーム業界、業績不振で年俸が大幅下落 カカオゲームズは 29%減"


> N. Korea's diplomatic dynamics

Translation; CCS Yoshimasa Hayashi didn't counterarghued to N. Korea over its argument that "the abduction issue has been already settled"

>"林氏、北朝鮮に反論せず 「拉致解決済み」主張巡り"

> 林芳正官房長官は 27日の記者会見で、日本人拉致問題は解決済みとする北朝鮮の主張に関し「日朝間の懸案解決に向けた政府方針はこれまで説明している通りだ」と述べるにとどめた。
> これまでは「拉致問題が既に解決されたとの主張は全く受け入れられない」と反論していた。
> 北朝鮮側の態度硬化を踏まえて直接的な批判を避けた形だ。

Concerning N. Korea's claim that the Japanese abduction issue has been already settled, at a press conference on March 27, Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshimasa Hayashi only said that "The government's policy toward resolving the outstanding issues between Japan and N. Korea is as we have explained so far."
He had hitherto argued that "the claim that the abduction issue has already been settled is completely unacceptable."
It means that he avoided to directly criticize it, while North Korea's hardening attitude in consideration.

The criticism by N. Korea to say that PM Fumio Kishida's policy aiming for a Japan-N. Korea summit meeting as a "political calculation," he emphasized that "The pointing out that Japan uses the Japan-N. Korea relations in political calculation doesn't have a point."