
>"北朝鮮IT労働者、日本人になりすまし受注か 警察庁が注意喚起"



> Kim Jong-un's sister says N. Korea would reject any negotiations with Japan

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; Bereaved family members of the 46 brave sailors of the Cheonan corvette are tearing


> 天安艦 46勇士14周忌追悼式が挙行された 26日、京畿道平沢市の韓国海軍第2艦隊司令部で涙を流す遺族の様子。
> この日の追悼式には遺族、哨戒艦「天安」爆沈事件参戦勇士、第2艦隊将兵および軍属などおよそ 200人が参列した。

Following photos show that, on March 26 when the 14th remembrance ceremony for 46 brave sailors, who were killed during the 2010 sinking of the Cheonan corvette (* by a North Korean torpedo attack in the Yellow Sea), bereaved family members are tearing at the 2nd Fleet of S. Korean navy in Pyeongtaek City, Gyeonggi Province.
At the remembrance ceremony on that day, around 200 persons participated in it, such as participant brave sailors in the sinking of the "Cheonan" corvette, officers and sailers of the 2nd Fleet and military civilians.