Ref.>"DJ SODA、写真集発売記念サイン会を開催へ"

>"FIFA、北朝鮮vs日本戦中止…日本は 3-0で不戦勝"


>"JFC「『500名の朝鮮人が NHKに入り込んでいる』は誤り NHKの外国籍の職員は 37人!」"


Translation; "Its existence is no longer necessary" against N. Korea = "Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea," an unification promotion organization in N. Korea, is disbanded

>"北朝鮮の統一推進団体解散 「祖国統一民主主義戦線」 対韓国で「存在必要ない」"

> 北朝鮮で韓国との統一運動を推進してきた団体「祖国統一民主主義戦線」の中央委員会は 23日、平壌で会議を開き、団体の事実上の解散を決めた。
> 金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記が1月に平和統一の放棄を表明したため「これ以上、存在する必要がない」と判断した。
> 朝鮮中央通信が 24日報じた。

On March 23, the central committee of the "Democratic Front for the Reunification of Korea," an organization that has promoted unification moves with S. Korea in N. Korea, held a meeting in Pyongyang, and it made a decision to practically disband the organization.
In January, general secretary of the WPK, Kim Jong-un, expressed to abandonment the peaceful reunification, it therefore judged that "the existence is no longer necessary."
On March 24, the KCNA reported so.

> 団体は北朝鮮の政党や社会団体で構成。
> 1946年に前身団体が結成された長い歴史を持つ。
> 主に韓国向けの談話を発表するなどの役割を担った。

The organization is made up of political parties and social organizations in N. Korea.
It has a long history, with its predecessor organization was formed in 1946.
Its main roles were such as to issue statements targeting at S. Korea.