Ref.>"Human rights activist exposes Chinese oppression of Uyghurs in Xinjiang at UNHRC"


> 藤木俊一氏 第 55会期 国連人権理事会での発言「ウイグル問題」UN Human Rights Council "Uygur issue" Shunichi FUJIKI 2024/3/22

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/23)


> 清水ともみ氏が「私もやりたくて悲しい漫画を描いたり投稿をしているわけではない。別名で仕事もしていた。でも知ってしまったら、気付いてしまったら、出来る事を駆使して伝えないと、身を捨ててもやらないと日本も滅ぶ」と。
> 平和ボケの日本でも同じ気持ちを共有する人は多い。
> 諦めず闘い続けましょう

Tomomi Shimizu X-posted that "I'm not drawing and posting sad comics just because I want to do so. I was also working under a different name. But as I found out, as I noticed, Japan will be ruined unless I convey that by doing what I can do and I do so even by sacrificing myself."
Even in peace at all cost mind-set Japan, there are many persons who share the same feelings.
Let's never give up and keep fighting continuouly.



> 電気料金上乗せの再エネ賦課金の単価を4月から1kw/hあたり 3.49円にする経産省。
> 標準世帯の月間負担額は1396円で 2023年度に比べ 836円の増加。
> 草木を伐採し、緑豊かな国土を "灰色に変える"メガソーラーの為に国民が5兆円も負担する国。
> 日本を破壊する再エネ議連と中国企業だけが高笑い。
> 世も末…

It's the METI, which will increase the unit price of the "renewable energy charge," that is added to electricity charges, to \3.49 per kw/h from April.
The monthly burden for a standard household will be \1,396, an increase by \836 from 2023.
This is a country where the nationals will pay \5 trillion for mega-solar power plants that cut down plants and trees and change the country's lush green land to "gray."
Only the "the renewable energy lawmakers league" & "Chinese companies," who are destroying Japan, are laughing out loud.
It's the end of the world.



> 中国系資本による不動産買収に警鐘を鳴らす産経。
>「"点"で始まった買収が "線"で繋がり、いずれは "面"になり、列島の地主は中国系資本で、日本人が店子になる時代」が来る、と。
> だがいくら告発しても金とポストしか関心のない議員達は "何もしない"。
> 滅ぶ国とはこういうもの

An article of The Sankei Shimbun warning against real estate purchases by Chinese capital.
It asserts that "Purchases, that was kicked off at "points," will be connected to form a "line" and eventually become an "area." Then the era will come when the landowners of the archipelago will be Chinese capitals and Japanese persons will be the tenants."
Nevertheless, no matter how much accusations are made, the politicians who are only interested in money and posts will "do nothing."
This is what ruining looks like.