Ref.>'埼玉・富士見市議「性別は変えられない」→ 共産党が "人権侵害"と指摘し謝罪'


>"望月衣塑子記者「『三菱製品買わないで!』戦闘機輸出に反対する市民団体が不買運動を呼びかけ!」→ FAX番号が一致する市民団体が大量発掘されて炎上…"


> S. Korea to produce 40 homegrown KF-21 fighter jets by 2025

Translation of X (* tweets) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 3/23)


> 多様性
> 多様性って悪いことじゃないし、肯定的な効果も多いと思う。
> でも今の多様性は過去には認められなかった妄想、戯言を「多様性」という名で強いられている気がする🙄

> 許容はいいが、強制には反対

I think that diversity isn't a bad matter and there are many positive effects.
However, I feel that diversity in nowadays is being forced "delusions" & "ridiculousness" under the name of "diversity," that weren't accepted in the past🙄

The fact that there are various races in a certain organization or region may be diversity. However, I think that "there should be different races" is a "delusion" & "ridiculousness"🤔
Tolerance is good, but I'm against coercion.

> 4月総選挙を前にして、韓国野党代表・李在明氏の選挙演説

> 日本製シャンプーのおかげで今日も髪が決まっている😜

An election speech by the S. Korean opposition party leader Lee Jae-myung ahead of the general election in April.
1) "This general election is a new Japan-S. Korea war."
2) The serious problem is that (the ruling party) has chosen many pro-Japan persons as its official candidates.

Thanks to a made by a made by Japan shampoo, his hair is in good shape today too😜
(He is a favorable user of Japanese shampoo).

> 東京新聞は韓国の真似をやめてください。
> 一応「オリジナル芸」ですから😜

Tokyo Shimbun, please stop "imitating S. Korea," the Tokyo Shimbun.
To some extent, it's a its "original art"😜
