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> N. Korea claims successful test of solid-fuel engine for new hypersonic missiles

Translation; "Successfully conducted" -- N. Korean leader Kim Jong-un expressed so on a solid-fuel engine test for hypersonic missile


> 北朝鮮が、新型中長距離極超音速ミサイル用の固体燃料発動機の地上噴出実験が成功裏に行われたことを明らかにした。
> 20日、朝鮮中央通信によると、北朝鮮のキム・ジョンウン国務委員長は19日、ミサイル総局傘下の発動機研究所を訪れ、ミサイル開発部門の指導幹部らとともに実験を指導した。
> 今回、西海発射場では、新型兵器体系の開発日程によって、中長距離級の極超音速ミサイルに装着した固体燃料発動機の地上噴出実験が行われた。

N. Korea revealed to have successfully conducted a ground jet test of a solid-fuel engine for a new type of intermediate & long range hypersonic missile.
According to the KCNA on March 20, Chairperson of State Affairs Commission in N. Korea, "Kim Jong-un," visited an engine research institute under the missile general bureau (correct name in English is unknown) on March 19, and guided the test with instructor-executives of the missiled development devision.
This time, at the Sohae Satellite Launching Ground, based on the development schedule of the new type weapon system, the ground jet test of a solid-fuel engine installed on an intermediate & long range hypersonic missile.

> 通信は、実験は「成功」したとし「重要な実験の大成功を通じて新型中長距離極超音速ミサイル武器体系の開発完成のめどが立った」と明らかにした。
> キム・ジョンウン国務委員長は「この兵器体系の軍事戦略的価値は、我が国の安全環境と人民軍隊の作戦上の要求から出発し、大陸間弾道ミサイルに劣らず重要と評価される」と話したと、同通信は伝えた。
> 続いてキム委員長は「ウリ党第8回大会が提示した5ヵ年計画期間の戦略兵器部門の開発課題が見事に完結したことに対して満足している」と話した。

The KCNA explained that the test was conducted "successfully," and revealed that >"the North was able to set a timetable for completing the development of a new hypersonic missiles weapons system with the success of the latest ground engine test."
The KCNA conveyed that Chairperson of State Affairs Commission Kim Jong-un said that >"the military strategic value of this weapon system is appreciated as important as ICBM from the security environment of our state and the operational demand of the People's Army and enemies know better about it."
Kim Jong-un went on to say that "I'm satisfied that the development challenge of the strategic weapon development division during the five year program presented in the 8th general conference of our party is successfully completed."