
>'"人手不足対策"で初の取り組み 外国人留学生を日本の高校に招き、地元での就職支援 "第1号"留学生が来日 政府が数千万円支援'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/21)


> 移民によってアッという間に南アに次ぐ世界2位の "レイプ大国"となったスウェーデン。
> 30年遅れで追う日本。
> いくら警鐘を鳴らしても自民党には通じない

Sweden, which has instantly became the 2nd largest rape powerhouse in the world after South Africa due to immigration.
He said that "My 19-year-old son were hitherto robbed totally three times -- twice by Somalis and once by Arabs. I am too scared to go near the place where I used to live. Immigrants are completely ruthless to us. I can't express my disgust with the government in words."
Japan, which is following (Sweden) 3 decades behind.
No matter how much we ring the alarm, it won't work for the LDP.



> 4月から再エネ賦課金が年1万円負担増。
> 素朴な疑問に政治家は答えてほしい

From April, the "renewable energy charge" burden will be increased by \10,000/year.
Tetsuya X-posted that "Why do the LDP and Ishin expand renewable energy, which is bad for the natural environment, vulnerable to disasters, promoting China's human rights violations, and making huge amounts of money flow from the wallets of Japanese persons to Chinese companies?".
The nationals, who are forced to pay for destroying their "green land."
I would like politicians to answer to the simple question.



> 緑豊かな日本の国土を破壊するために再エネ賦課金を負担する日本人。
> しかも平井宏治氏は「年間5兆円の内、2-3兆円が中国に還流されると言われる再エネ賦課金は更に値上げ。再エネ業者から政治資金パーティー券等としてどれだけの資金が再エネ議連の国会議員の懐に入っているのか?自民党利権政治全開。経済産業省は賦課金の実態公表を」と。
> 日本を破壊する為には何でもする自民党

Japanese persons, who bear the renewable energy charge in order to destroy Japan's lush land.
In addition, Koji Hirai X-posted that "The renewable energy charge -- 2-3 trillion yen out of \5 trillion annually is allegedly returned to China -- will be further increased. How much money is given away from renewable energy companies as political party tickets and so on to the pockets of the members of the renewable energy lawmakers league? The LDP's vested interest politics is on full display. The Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry should make public the reality of renewable energy charge."
The LDP does anything in order to destroy Japan.



> 中国大使館での "国際女性デー"祝賀イベントに岸田裕子総理夫人が出席し「中国を訪問した際、生き生きとした女性の姿が印象に残っています。女性が益々輝ける社会を目指して日中両国の女性が手を携えていきたい」と挨拶。
> 驚愕…
> ジェノサイドの下、ウイグル女性がどんな目にあわされているのか知らないのか。
> チベットは?
> 南モンゴルは?
> 香港は?
> …周庭さん、申し訳ありません。
> これが日本です

The 1st Lady Yuko Kishida attended a commemorative event for "international women's day" (IWD) at the Chinese Embassy and made a speech that "When I visited China, the lively figure of females has left an impression on me. I hope that females from both Japan and China to work together to create societies where females can shine even more."
I'm shocked...
Doesn't she know what Uyghur females are suffering under the genocide?
What about Tibet?
What about Southern Mongolian?
What about Hong Kong?
… I'm sorry, Agnes Chow Ting.
This is japan.

>"中国大使館で「国際女性デー」祝う 岸田総理夫人も出席"