Ref.>"New Hokuriku Shinkansen Extension Between Kanazawa and Tsuruga Opens"

>"Hokuriku Shinkansen Extension: Use Tourism Demand to Aid Reconstruction from Noto Quake"

> 北陸新幹線 金沢-敦賀が開業 福井県「100年に一度のチャンス」【スーパー Jチャンネル】(2024年3月16日)

↓(See detail of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Gold wave silver wave]. On March 16, the Hokuriku Shinkansen was...


> 北陸新幹線が16日、金沢から敦賀まで延伸開業した。
> 東海と北陸を結んでいた在来線特急「しらさぎ」が敦賀発着となり、「名古屋発金沢行き」の特急「しらさぎ」は姿を消した

On March 16, the Hokuriku Shinkansen was extended and started its operation from Kanazawa to Tsuruga.
The conventional limited express train "Shirasagi," which used to connect Tokai and Hokuriku, now departs from and arrives at Tsuruga, and the limited express train "Shirasagi" from Nagoya to Kanazawa disappeared.

> 大学入試のために緊張して乗った記憶。
> 入学でき、再び乗車して訪れた兼六園は桜が満開だった。
> 年末に帰省し、新年に乗車すると、車窓の景色が一変し、雪の壁の中を進んでいるようで、自然の猛威を痛感した。
> 就職が決まり上京時には、社会人への希望と不安が交錯するまま車内で揺られていた

* Although it's a private matter, it's an express train with full memories.
The memory when I took it nervously for my university entrance exam.
After possible to enter the university, I took the train again and visited the Kenrokuen, where the cherry blossoms were in full bloom.
When I returned home at the end of the year and took the train in the new year, the scenery outside the train window changed completely, and it seemed like I was driving through a wall of snow. I therefore keenly felt the power of nature.
When I was employed and went to Tokyo, I was being shaken in the train with mixed feelings of hope and anxiety about my career.

> 延伸開業により元日に能登半島地震で甚大な被害を受けた地域の復興には弾みがつくだろう。
> 一日も早く、能登の人々に穏やかな春が訪れるよう願うばかりだ

* I feel sad to see the matter I was accustomed during my young period is disappearing, while reaching my final stage of life.
Due to the extended opening of the operation, reconstruction of the regions where severaly damaged by the Noto Peninsula earthquake on New Year's Day will probably be encouraged.
All what I hope is that a peaceful spring will come to the persons in the Noto Peninsula ASAP.

> 自分もその輪に加わり、感謝を伝えたかった。
> 勝手ながら、このコラムの場で感傷を書かせてもらった。

* In a TV news program, fans and station staff holding up the banner saying "Thank you for your hard work for a long time" while sending off the last train were being shown.
I wanted to join that circle and express my gratitude.
Even though selfishly, I write my sentimentality in this column.