

>"共同通信「国民、立民と連携へ協力要請」→ 国民・玉木代表「連携へ協力要請などしてない」"


>【ゆっくりニュース】川口クルド問題 朝日、共同などの報道状況を検証 事件報道わずか、イベントには好意的 (産経調べ)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/19)


> 裏金問題の議員に厳罰を科す意向表明の岸田首相。
> で、岸田派ではパーティー収入不記載で会計責任者が立件されている。
> 安倍氏死去後の 2022年後半にパーティー自粛の大臣規範に違反し、喪に服する事もなく、4回もパーティーを開き億単位で稼ぎまくった岸田首相。
> 自身への厳罰は?

PM Kishida, who expressed his intention to impose severe punishment on lawmakers involved in the slush fund scandal.
If so, when it comes to the Kishida faction, the person in charge of accounting was indicted for not recording party-income.
It's PM Kishida, who broke the ministerial norm of refraining from holding parties and held parties four times without mourning in the latter half of 2022 after former PM Abe's death, and earnestly earned hundreds of millions of yen.
How about harsh punishment on himself?
Impossible as a "person."



> 豪の工場で月 50万円稼げるワーキングホリデーに日本の若者殺到。
> 小野田紀美氏は「度々言われている事ですが "人手不足 = 低賃金で働いてくれる人手不足"だったら不足して当然… 現場で働く人にろくな対価も支払わず大切にしていない職場は五万とある… 海外から人を入れようとする前にやるべき事を」と。
> 仰る通り。
> 聞いてますか岸田さん

Young Japanese on working holidy are flooding to Australian factories where they can earn \500,000 a month.
UH lawmaker Kimi Onoda (LDP) said, "As it's often said, if "shortage of labor" = "shortage of persons who can work for low wages," the shortage is as a matter of course... There are countless workplaces that don't sufficient wage and value the on-site working persons... In prior to immigrate persons from foreign countries, we should do what should be done.
She has a point.
Can you hear her voice, PM Kishida!?



> 参議院議員会館の院内集会 "女性スペースを守る法律を"で「多くの女性は男性器を見るのが嫌だから女子トイレや更衣室、浴場に入ってきて欲しくないのではなく、男性器が付いている人に自分の身体を見られたくないと感じている。ここは研修を受けたから変わるわけではない。裁判官の見解が大きくズレている」との基調講演があったそうだ。
> 杉田水脈氏は「何故こんな基本的な話すら "差別"で片付けられてしまうのかと不思議に思いました」と。
> 目を覆う司法の左傾化。

In a floor assembly at the UH Diet building, "Law to Protect Women's Spaces," a keynote speech saying that "It's not true that many females don't want them to come into women's restrooms, changing rooms and bathhouses, because they don't want to see male genitals. They feel not to want them with male genitalia to watch their body. This doesn't change even if they receive trainings. The judge's view is therefore differs greatly" was allegedly made.
LH lawmaker Mio Sugita X-posted that 'I wondered why even such basic matter is dismissed as "discrimination".'
A left-leaning shift in the judiciary is lamentable.



> 日本保守党・飯山陽氏が「パスポートさえあれば日本に入国でき、入管に難民申請すれば施設に収容できないため仮放免になり不法滞在者に。法務省は子供がいれば可哀想だからと特別に許可…これが日本」と。
> トルコとのビザ免除協定を停止すれば問題は大きく改善する。
> 議員達は何をしているのか。
> 外交委員会で政府の追及を

Akari Iiyama (the Conservative Party of Japan) speeches that "As long as they have passport, they can enter Japan. If they apply for refugee status at the Immigration Bureau, they are provisionally released, as they can't be accommodated in facilities, and become illegal aliens. When they have child(ren), the Ministry of Justice gives special permission as it feels sorry... This is japan."
Suspending the visa-free agreement with Turkey will greatly improve the problem.
What are the Diet members doing?
They should grill the government at the Foreign Affairs Committee.


>【日本保守党】激寒の朝から聴衆大集合!飯山あかり 街頭演説 /東京15区 2024/3/19 森下交差点

> 川口市内に住むクルド人11人が Xへの投稿で名誉を傷つけられたとジャーナリスト石井孝明氏に 500万円の損害賠償を求める訴えを東京地裁に提起。
> 日本の言論はここまで舐められたのか。
> 許し難い

Eleven Kurdish persons living in Kawaguchi City filed a lawsuit with the Tokyo District Court against journalist Takaaki Ishii seeking \5 million in damages, saying that they were defamed by his posts on X (formerly Twitter).
Ishii commented on that "It's extremely strange to drive a Japanese reporter into a corner and suppressing his speech activities by filing a civil lawsuit due to their own nuisance acts."
Is the Japanese speech looked down to this extent?
It's unforgivable.
