Ref.>"【韓国】サムギョプサル、1人前 2200円に迫る"

>"【豪州】韓国人テコンドー師範が発狂 韓国人3人を殺害"

>"Defense chief reaffirms current size of U.S. troops in S. Korea 'absolutely necessary'"

>"S. Korea, U.S. reaffirm commitment to complete N.K. denuclearization after North's missile launch"

> FM Cho Tae-yul meets with U.S. Secretary Antony Blinken in Seoul amid N. Korea provocations

↓(See detail of this article)、朝鮮日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Chosun Ilbo)

Translation; U.S. and S. Korean foreign ministers are being taken commemorative photos in prior to a lunch meeting


> 韓国の趙兌烈(チョ・テヨル)外相(写真右)と米国のトニー・ブリンケン国務長官が18日、ソウル市鍾路区の外交部(省に相当)で開かれた韓米外相昼食会談に先立ち、記念撮影をしているところ。
Following photos show that, on March 18 ahead of a U.S.-S. Korea foreign ministerial lunch meeting at S. Korean Foreign Ministry in Jongno District, Seoul, S. Korean Foreign Minister Cho Tae-yul and his U.S. counterpart Secretary of State Antony Blinken are attending a commemorative photo session.