Ref.>"自民、裏金議員 80人規模処分へ 4月上旬にも一斉実施"

>"【朝日調査】内閣不支持率 67%、政権復帰以降最高 支持率 22%"

>"あおちゃんぺさん「こういう 『障害者を利用してオ◯ニーしてるやつ』が1番キッショイ」"

>"車椅子障害者「飲食店利用の際に一切事前予約しないスタイルでやってるのが私たちです!」「社会の方が変わって!」→ 炎上"

> 公金やっぱただの変態だった?LGBT関連団体、トップが強制わいせつで逮捕。左派ビジネスの側面もバレる【ゆっくり解説】

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/18)


> 米では共和党の反対で連邦法として "LGBT差別禁止法"が成立する見込みはない。
> 日本を破壊し尽くす?
> 岸田首相

In the U.S., there is no possibility that the "LGBT discrimination prohibition act" will be enacted as a federal law due to opposition by the Republican Party.
Prof. emeritus at Fukui Prefectural University Yoichi Shimada X-posted that "The reason why is that the recognition has been maintained clearly that it will jeopardize the "protection of females," in addition to invite extortion and abusive lawsuits against companies, organizations and individuals by radical-leftists and anti-social forces. This is a big difference from the LDP, which only panders to the leftists."
Destroy Japan completely?
PM Fumio Kishida.



> 悲惨な岸田政権の支持率。
> Xで安倍政権の支持率を思い出した。
> 政権最後の 2020年8月調査でさえ支持率は 50%〜62.4%。
> そして安倍政権7年8か月の実績を "評価する"は、

>・共同 71.3%
>・朝日 71%
>・読売 74%
>・JNN 71%
> …と。
> 改めて国政選挙6連勝の凄さを思う。
> アベガーがどれだけ罵倒しても揺るがなかった日本

The Kishida administration's public approval rating is disastrous.
Due to the following X-post, I remind of the approval ratings of the Abe administration.
Even in the last surveys during the administration in August 2020, his approval ratings were between 50% and 62.4%.
And "evaluate" the achievements of seven years and eight months of the Abe administration is as follows;
・ Kyodo News 71.3%
・ The Asahi 71%
・ The Yomiuri 74%
・ JNN 71%
Once again, I am reminded of the greatness of his six consecutive victories in national elections.
No matter how much "Abegars" abused him, Japan remained unwavering.



> 岸田首相が退陣しても日本の "移民大国化"を果たして防ぐ事ができるのだろうか、と考える。
> 現在約 320万人の在日外国人が 2050年代には "人口の1割を超える"のだそうだ。
> わざわざ欧米各国の失敗を 30年遅れで追う日本。
> 自民党ならぬ「日本移民党」をこのままのさばらせておいていいのか

I wonder whether or not, even if PM Kishida steps down, is it possible to prevent Japan from "becoming an immigration powerhouse."
It's reported that the number of foreign residents, which is around 3.2 million at present, will "over 10% of the population" in the 2050s.
It's Japan, which is intentionally following the failures of Western countries three decades behind the curve.
Is it no problem to leave the "Japan Immigration Party," rather than the LDP, as it is?
