Ref.>"岸田内閣支持率17%、2ヶ月連続 20%割れ"


>"自民党大会で岸田首相、裏金議員の処分指示 信頼回復へ「厳しく対応」"

>"岸田文雄首相「政治とは実行です。約束したことは必ずやり遂げる、そして次の課題を見つけ取り組む、その繰り返しが政治です!」→ ツッコミ殺到…"

>【右向け右】第513回 - 長尾たかし・自民党前衆議院議員 × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/17)


> 天敵がいるかもしれない海へ最初に飛び込む勇敢な "ファーストペンギン"。
> 小野田紀美氏が「この前の私の選挙なんてまさにファーストペンギンの役割を果たそうと思ってたんですけどね… 私は無事生きてるのに誰も続いて飛び込んでこないんですよ… 飛び込んで来いよ…」と。
> 公明・創価学会と敢然と対峙したあの勇気ある小野田氏の闘いと、誰も続かない自民党

The brave "1st penguin," who is the 1st one to jump into the ocean where there may be natural a predator.
UH lawmaker Kimi Onoda (LDP) X-posted that "In the previous general election, I just intended to fulfill the role of the 1st penguin, however... Even though I'm alive and well, no one jumps into following me... I want to say to jump into here..."
The courageous fight of Onoda, who bravely confronted with Komei Party and Soka Gakkai, and the LDP no members follow her.



> 自民党定期党大会で党則改正決定。
> 旧来型 "派閥"の存続・新設を禁止し、政治団体の会計責任者が罪に問われたら議員への党の処分を厳格化する、と。
> だが外国人パーティー券「購入禁止」や、会計責任者が立件された宏池会の岸田首相への「辞任要求」もなし。
> すでに終わっている

At the LDP regular party convention, it's fixed to revise the party rules.
It's explained that he "continuation" & "newly establishment" of a conventional-style "faction" is prohibited, and if a person in charge of accounting of a political organization is accused of a crime, the party will impose stricter punishment on the lawmaker.
However, there are neither "prohibition to purchase" party tickets by foreigners, nor "demand for PM Kishida to resign," even though the person in charge of accounting of Kochi-kai was indicted.
it's already over.

>"旧来型「派閥」の存続・新設を禁止… 自民党が党大会"


> "悪夢の岸田の3年"も、あと半年。
> 私は歴史に残るこの日本破壊男が残り任期でどこまで日本を壊すか注目している。
> 島田洋一氏は「"中国人パーティ券" 宏池会の岸田氏が"マネーロンダリング"茂木氏に改革を指示。2人が中心の最大問題点2つには触れず。全く反省していない事が良く分る」と。
> 仰る通り。
> 半年後の総裁選が全て

When it comes to "Kishida's 3 years of nightmare," it's remaining term is half an year.
I pays attention to the extent to which this historic male destroying Japan will destroy Japan during his remaining term.
Prof. emeritus at Fukui Prefectural University Yoichi Shimada X-posted that 'PM Kishida of the "Chinese Party Ticket" Koike-kai instructed "money Laundering" Mogi] to reform the LDP. They have never commented on the biggest two problems centering on the two persons. I can therefore clearly see that they have no regrets at all."
He has a point.
The LDP presidential election half an year does matter completely.



> YouTubeの "枠"から勇気をもって飛び出した飯山陽氏の話を聞いて欲しい。
> 女性と女児の命を危険に晒す "日本を破壊するLGBT法"。
> 日本保守党結党の原点だ。
> たとえ遅くとも、日本崩壊を止めようと必死の人々がいた事を後世に伝えたい

I would like you to listen to the talk by Akari Iiyama (* professor at Reitaku University), who bravely jumps out of the "frame" of YouTube into the real world.
"LGBT Act destroying Japan," which endangers the lives of females and girls.
This is the origin of the formation of the Conservative Party of Japan.
Japan, which is the country becoming the society in which a male claiming that "I'm a female at heart" enters a women's bathroom and when females make a fuss, they are denounced as "racists!".
I want to convey to the future generations that there were persons desperately attempting to halt Japan from collapsing, even if it was too late.



> 去年も君が代を拒んでいた様子を朝日が〈12歳の選択〉と報道。
> 日本では許されるが、他の国でやってみなさい。
> あなたにその勇気はありますか?

Irene, who insists on pushing forward with her anti-Japan feelings without consideration to the inconvenience to persons around her, saying that "Stop forcing Kimigayo."
The Asahi Shimbun reprted the situation that she rejected "Kimigayo" last year too titled "A 12-year-old's choice."
The anger of persons is natural, saying that "If you voice equality, you should accept the other person's opinion too."
Even though it's allowed in Japan, do it in other countries.
Do you have the courage to do so?



> 小野寺まさる氏が戦闘機輸出解禁に "平和国家の信頼損なう"との北海道新聞の社説を紹介。
> 命と平和を守る抑止力を否定し、中国を泣いて喜ばせる偽善新聞

Masaru Onodera introduced an editorial of the Hokkaido Shimbun that argues that the lifting the ban on fighter jet exports will "undermine the trust of a peaceful country."
He X-posted that "Even though it's a red (* communist) newspaper, it's not easy to publish such a stupid editorial. It seems that Japan can maintain peace without being invaded by other countries, if only it doesn't possess, manufacture and export weapons."
It's a hypocritical newspaper that denies the deterrent force that protects lives and peace, and makes China happy.