Ref.>"韓国で反日オカルト映画が人気 祖先の墓から飛び出す日本の悪霊退治"

>"ジョニー・ソマリさん、今度は韓国へ… BTSをビンタすると言っている模様"


> Exhuma (2024) 파묘 Movie Trailer | EONTALK

* Do whatever you want, Koreans.
On the other hand, Japan should consistently take "benign neglect" position.

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Hello from Seoul]. Exterminate the Japanese evil spirit popping out from the grave of the ancestor = an anti-Japan occult film is popular in S. Korea

>'[ソウルからヨボセヨ]. 韓国で反日オカルト映画が人気 祖先の墓から飛び出す日本の悪霊退治'

> 過去の日本を悪者に仕立て、その亡霊と現代の韓国人が戦うという反日娯楽映画が大ヒットし話題だ。
An anti-Japan entertainment movie -- portraying the past Japan as an evil and S. Koreans in nowadays fight its ghost -- has become a huge hit and has become a hot topic.

> タイトルは墓掘りを意味する『破墓(パミョ)』。
> 主人公はこの地の土俗文化の象徴である女祈禱師「ムーダン(巫女)」と、墓などの地勢・運勢を占う「風水師」の男女2人。
> 大金持ちながら不幸な出産や精神錯乱など、不思議な災難に見舞われる在米韓国人の依頼を受け、災いの原因とする祖先の墓を掘り返し、そこから飛び出した日本の悪霊をやっつけるというお話。

The title is [Exhuma] (Pamyo), which means grave digger.
The main characters are a male and a female -- a female "mudang" (Korean shaman), a symbol of the local folk culture, and a "feng shui master," a fortune teller of the location and fortunes of a grave, etc.
The story is that, in response to a request by S. Koreans living in the U.S., who are very wealthy but suffer from mysterious misfortunes such as an unfortunate birth and mental confusion -- they dig up the grave of their ancestor which are recognized as a cause of the disasters, and defeat the Japanese evil spirit popping up from there.

> 実にマンガチックだが反日では念が入っている。
> 埋葬されていた依頼人の祖父は、実は韓国併合に協力した〝親日売国奴〟だったという。
> さらに墓にはもう一つ棺があって、そこにはその昔、朝鮮侵攻の豊臣秀吉軍の武将が葬られていたという設定。
> つまり100年前と 500年前の歴史にかかわる反日話で、最後は風水師がサムライ姿の幽霊と墓場で死闘を展開する。

It's really cartoonish. However, it's very elaborated in anti-Japan.
The client's grandfather, who was buried there, was allegedly indeed a "pro-Japan traitor" who cooperated with the annexation of (S)Korea.
In addition, the story setting is that one more coffin was burried in the grave, and a military commander from the Hideyoshi Toyotomi's army that invaded Korea was buried there long ago.
In short, it's an anti-Japan story related with the histories of 100 years ago and 500 years ago, and at the final stage, the feng shui master engages in a deadly battle with a ghost dressed as a samurai costume in the graveyard.

> ところが墓がある山は朝鮮半島の腰の部分にあたるため、韓国併合時代に日本軍当局が「民族の気脈」を断とうとして武将の墓をそこに移し、同時に何本もの鉄棒を打ち込んだという例の「日帝風水謀略説」まで登場する。
> こんな〝反日まぶし〟の娯楽映画をマスコミは話題作としてもてはやし、監督の手腕を高く評価している。

However, the mountain where the grave is located lies at the waist of the Korean peninsula, even that "Japanese empire feng shui plot theory" appears -- during the annexation of (S)Korea Korea period, the Japanese military authorities moved the military commander's grave there in an attempt to cut off the "ethnic spirit" and drove many iron bars into the ground at the same time.
The media has been praising such "anti-Japan" entertainment film as a hot topic, and highly appreciated the director's skills.