Ref.>"岸田首相が地方組織に「心からお詫び」 自民・全国政調会長会議 政治資金問題を受け"




> 川口クルド問題 朝日、共同などの報道状況を検証 事件報道わずか、イベントには好意的 「移民」と日本人. 産経新聞、その他

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/16)


> 安倍派の閣僚、副大臣9人を聴取もせず、事実関係も不明のまま "更迭"したのに、自ら会長だった宏池会の会計責任者が立件されても辞任しない岸田首相。
> 慌てて宏池会を解散したが、まず総理辞任が当然のケジメ。
>「国民に政治不信を招いてしまった」って、それ全て "あなた"ですよ。
> 誰も介錯もしない自民党

Nine Abe faction's ministers & vice ministers were "dismissed" without conducting hearings while the facts are unclear. Nevertheless, it's PM Fumio Kishida, who has yet resigned even though a person in charge of accounting of the Koike-kai, whose chairperson was him himself, was filed the case.
He rushingly disbanded the Hiroike-kai. However, first of all, the prime minister's resignation is a natural step.
He said that "We have caused the nationals to distrust politics." However, the totally responsible person is "you."
The LDP is a party even nobody doesn't attempt to behead him.

> 自民党全国政調会長会議で岸田首相が「国民から政治不信を招いてしまっている。心からお詫び申し上げる。政治の信頼なくして政策は進められない。多くの厳しい道のりを一歩一歩乗り越え再び国民の信頼を取り戻さなければならない」と。
> 幸せな人。
> 自民党、いや日本を崩壊させている事に当の本人が分っていない世紀の滑稽譚

At the LDP national policy research council chairpersons conference, PM Fumio Kishida said that "This has caused the distrust to the politics from the nationals. I sincerely apologize. Political measures can't be progressed without trust to the politics. We must overcome many difficult steps step by step and restore the trust from the nationals."
He is a happy person.
This is the comical story of the century, in which the very person doesn't realize that he himself is causing the LDP, or indeed Japan, to collapse.

>"【速報】岸田首相が地方組織に「心からお詫び」 自民・全国政調会長会議 政治資金問題を受け"


> たった1億 2000万円の投資で永住権付与するとの信じ難い提案をする大阪維新。
> 飯山陽氏は、
> 永住権売り
> 媚を売る
> 維新すなわち
> 売国政党
> と詠んだ。
> 維新の国会議員団には代表的な "親台派"和田有一朗氏なども居るのに大阪維新は親中一色。
> あり得ない

It's the Osaka Ishin, which has made an incredible proposal to give permanent residence right by investment of only \120 million.
Akari Iiyama (* professor at Reitaku University) wrote a poem as follows;
"The (Osaka) Ishin -- sell the lands, sell the permanent residence rights and flatters -- is in short a traitorous party."
Although the Diet members of the Nippon Ishin include such as "typical pro-Taiwan" LH lawmaker Yuichiro Wada. However, the Osaka Ishin is completely pro-China.
It's unbelievable.

> 川口市のクルド人問題を産経が1ページ丸々使って大特集。
> 女子中学生へのクルド人性的暴行事件も報じたのは2紙のみ。
>"外国人に選ばれる国になる"との岸田首相と "内なる敵" 朝日、毎日、共同…
> 彼らがなぜ日本人を蔑ろにするのか私には分らない

The Sankei Shimbun devoted an entire page to feature the Kurdish issue in Kawaguchi City.
The voice of "Don't erase our existence. Do you ignore the voices of suffering city residents and the city residents' human rights?" is urgent.
When it comes to the sexual assault against a female junior high school student girl by the Kurdish male too, only two newspapers reported the case.
PM Fumio Kishida who says that "We will become a country chosen by foreigners" and domestic enemies such as The Asahi Shimbun, Mainichi Shimbun, Kyodo News, etc...
I can't understand the reason why they make light on Japanese persons.

> 埼玉県川口市の「クルド人問題」で産経が朝日や共同など5媒体の報道を調査したら、
> …との結果。
> 溜息のみ

Regarding the Kurdish issue in Kawaguchi City, Saitama Pref., the result of an investigation by The Sankei Shimbun on news reports by five media outlets, including The Asahi Shimbun and Kyodo News, are as follows;
1) There is little coverage of cases and scandals. On the other hand, when it's covered, it is generally reported in a "sympathetic" and "favorable" manner.
2) In cases and scandals, they are reported only as "Turkish nationality," while not to report the ethnic background of Kurds.
All what I can do is to sigh.