

>'~群馬の森裁判を "奇跡"で終わらせるな~by但馬オサム'


>【北朝鮮で暮らす息子と母】沈黙の月「寺越事件」忘れられた母子… 60年の記憶を記者が追う【テレメンタリー】

↓(See detail of this article)、八重山日報の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of the Yaeyama Nippo)

Translation; [Beam from the eyes! (161)] (by Osamu Tajima). Mother's love and hostage diplomacy

>'[目からビーム!](161). 母の愛と人質外交'

> 寺越武志さんの御母堂・友枝さんが無くなった。
> 92歳だったという。

Takeshi Terakoshi's mother, Tomoe passed away.
She was allegedly 92 years old.

> 1963年、13歳の武志さんは伯父たちとともに漁に出たまま日本海上で消息と絶ち、24年後の1987年に、北朝鮮で生存が確認された。
> 漂流しているところを北朝鮮の船に救助された、という筋立てになっているが、実質は拿捕であろう。

In 1963, 13-year-old Takeshi disappeared in the Sea of Japan, after went for fishing with his uncle, etc. 24 years later, in 1987, it's confirmed that he was alive in N. Korea.
The story is that he was rescued by a N. Korean ship while drifting. However, practically speaking, it was probably captured.

> 武志さんの場合は「遭難者」ということで、拉致被害者に認定されず、友枝さんも家族会等から距離を置き、独特の立場を取って来た。
> 日本政府の制裁で万景峰号の入港がなくなってからは、多いときは年に数度、息子と会うために自費で渡朝、その際には持てるだけの衣類、電気製品、現金をバッグに詰めたという。
> 年金は自分のためには一切使わず、掃除婦として体が動かなくなるその日まで働きとおした。
> その間にも北朝鮮当局からは、さまざまな無心があったようだ。
> この老母に、「中古バスを送れ」などという要求は理不尽を通り越して人でなしの所業と言わざるを得ない。
> それでも、母は、息子の北での地位を守るため、黙ってそれに従うしかなかった。
> 完全な人質である。

When it comes to Takeshi, he wasn't recognized as an abductee because he was classified as a "sufferer," and Tomoe also distanced herself from the family's association, etc., while maintaining her unique position.
After the Mangyongbong was no longer allowed to enter the port (* Niigata Port) due to sanctions imposed by Tokyo, she allegedly traveled to N. Korea at her own expenses in order to meet her son, at most several times annuall, and on those occasions she packed as much clothes, electrical appliances and cash in her bag as she could carry.
She did not use any of her pension for herself, while she consistenly worked as a cleaning lady until the day she could no longer work.
During that period, there seems to have been various demands were made by the North Korean authorities.
To demand this old mother to send a used bus was beyond unreasonable and could only be described as the work of an inhumane person.
Still, the mother had no choice to keep silent and follow the demand in order to protect her son's position in N. Korea.
He was a complete hostage.

> 朝鮮は外交の場面でも人質を使う。
> これは北も南も変わらない。
> 彼らの民族性だ。

Korea even uses hostages in diplomatic occasions.
There are no differences in it between the North and the South.
It's their ethnicity.

> 大韓民国初代大統領・李承晩は、李ラインで拿捕抑留した日本の漁民を日韓交渉の人質に使った。
> 北朝鮮の帰国事業が始まると、報復として漁民の釈放を遅らせたりもした。
> 最後の抑留漁民の帰国が許されたのは朴正煕政権時だったが、韓国はこの人質外交で日本の対韓請求権放棄と大村収容所にいる密入国者全員の釈放と在留許可という成果を得ている。
> 金日成はやはり「スパイ容疑」で抑留した紅粉勇船長ら2人の漁民を人質に、金丸信に1兆円ともいわれる戦後補償を密約させた。
> いわゆる拉致被害者も彼らにとっては大事な人質だろう。
> こうゆう狡猾な相手に、岸田外交では心もとないと思うのは僕だけか。

The first S. Korean President Rhee Syngman used Japanese fishermen who were captured and detained based on the Syngman Rhee Line as hostages in the Japan-RoK negotiations.
When the repatriation program to N. Korea was kicked off, (he) even delayed the release of the fishermen in retaliation.
It was during the Park Chung-hee administration when the final detained fisherman was allowed to return home country, and using this hostage diplomacy, S. Korea achieved the fruits of Japan's abandonment of its claim-right to S. Korea, and the release of all (S. Korean) unlawful immigrants at Omura Detention Center and gave them residence permit (>"衆議院 - 法務委員会 昭和30年06月18日(小泉純也)").
Kim Il-sung also made Shin Kanemaru secretly promise allegedly \1 trillion post-war compensation by using two fishermen hostages, including Captain Isamu Beniko, who were detained on "suspicion of espionage."
For them, the so-called abductees are also probably important hostages.
Am I the only one who think PM Kishida's diplomacy is unreliable facing such cunning opponents?

> 日本には 60万人の在日韓国人とその子孫がいるが、政府は一度でも彼らを人質として交渉に使ったことがあったか。
> 人質どころか棄民として押し付けられたようなものだ。
> 李ラインの申し子である。
> その上で彼らはことあるごとに在日同胞は差別を受けているとして権利拡大を要求してきた。
> 当然、それは本国の利益につながるわけで、いわば、逆人質といってもいいだろう。
> 在日諸君もいい加減気づいたほうがいいだろう。
> 長年自分たちを利用してきたのは誰かということを。
> 母子の絆さえも人質にできるやつらを。

There are totally 600,000 Korean (* unlawful immigrants) and their descendants in Japan. Nevertheless, has the government ever used them as hostages in negotiations?
Far from being hostages, it's just like Japan has been forced to accept them as abandoned ones.
It's a product of the Syngman Rhee Line (>"大村収容所事件").
After that, they have claimed on every and each occasion that Korean residents in Japan are discriminated, and have demanded that their rights be expanded.
As a matter of course, this leads to the interests of the home country, we can therefore call them reverse hostages, so to speak.
Ban-jjokbaris had better to should realize so at present.
Who has been using them themselves for many years?
On those who can make even the bond between mother and child as hostage.

> 今年こそ人質外交を終わらせよう。
> そのためには・・・。

Let's end the hostage diplomacy this year.
In order for that purpose···.