



> 国基研チャンネル 第531回「同性婚訴訟 札幌高裁判決を考える」 髙池勝彦(弁護士)、島田洋一(福井県立大学名誉教授)

* Shut up, U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel!!!

It's none of your business.

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 3/15)


> 日本メディア、特に NHKと朝日新聞は日本人が被害者になる外国人犯罪をなるべくカモフラージュして報道する。
> それは米占領軍 GHQの報道管制の下で生まれ活動を許された機関だからだ。
> 占領中の習性が抜けないのは、今では思想よりも自分の命のために隷属していた事が身に沁みているからだ。
> 作法の一つだ。

Japanese media, especially "NHK" & "The Asahi Shimbun," report crimes committed by foreigners while victims are Japanese as much camouflaged as possible.
The reason why is that they are news organs that was born and allowed to operate under the media control by the GHQ (U.S. Occupation Forces).
The reason why they can't shake the habits they acquired during the occupation is that they have deeply imprinted that they were enslaved for their own lives rather than ideology.
It's one of their manners.


>"他人名義の口座不正に譲り受けか 日本語学校運営会社代表逮捕"


> ラーム・エマニュエル駐日米大使へ與る投稿。
> Have you seen "Godzilla Minus One"?
> You probably have not seen it.
> You do not want to be repelled by the Japanese like Godzilla.
> You also know about international cooperation.

X-post givint to U.S. Ambassador to Japan Rahm Emanuel.
It's an extremely dangerous view of an aggressor.
Have you seen "Godzilla Minus One"?
You probably have not seen it.
You do not want to be repelled by the Japanese like Godzilla.
You also know about international cooperation.



> ヒトと金の流れを阻む国境やそれぞれの国の文化が無くなればいい、と考えるグローバリストは人類の敵です。
Globalists -- who think it would be better to eliminate national borders and the cultures of each country that block the flow of people and money -- are the enemies of human beings.



> 移民国家の米国在住だからこそ、これらの重要性がよく理解できるのだと思います。
> また、それらの条件は世界中のどの国でも普通の国家であれば、今後はごく当たり前の前提になっていくでしょう。
> ヒトと金の流れを阻む国境やそれぞれの国の文化が無くなればいい、と考えるグローバリストは人類の敵です。

I think that because you live in the U.S., which is an immigrant-state, you can understand the importance of these things.
In addition, as far as it's an normal country, these will become as a matter of course pre-conditions in any country in the world in the future.
Globalists -- who think it would be better to eliminate national borders and the cultures of each country that block the flow of people and money -- are the enemies of human beings.




> それは、ファシスト共同通信のいつもの手口です。
It's the usual modus operandi of fascist Kyodo News.
