
> 韓国の専門家「ハングルと漢字は同じ起源。漢字は我々の祖先が作った」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/14)


> 中国人の移民仲介業者の元に中国人の相談が急増している事を報じた 2022年7月の放送が改めて up。
> 今は中間層も日本を目指す。
> 13億の国から1億の国に大移動。
> 一方、日本が壊れていく事に関心もない政治家や国民

The program broadcasted in July 2022, which reported on steep increase in the number of consultations by Chinese persons seeking advice from Chinese immigration brokers, is re-uploaded.
In response to a consultation that "Can Communist Party members become naturalized?," he replied that "Japan doesn't care about politics and/or religion. It's freedom for you. One in ten Chinese people is a CCP member, so no problem."
Even in nowadays, the middle class aim to immigrate to Japan.
It's a huge shift from the country with 1.3 billion population to the country with 100 million population.
On the other hand, its politicians and the nationals, who have no interest in Japan is collapsing.



> 国民を苦しめる年間5兆円と言われる再エネ賦課金。
> 能登の全 73基の風力発電のうち地震から2ヶ月で再開できたのは9基のみ。
> それでも "再エネ信仰"は健在。
> 産経〈極言御免〉は >"再エネ賦課金の内、2〜3兆円が中国に還流"との見方を紹介した事もある。
> 国民は目を覚ませ

The "Renewable energy charge," that is allegedly \5 trillion annually, is causing hardship to the Japanese nationals.
Of the 73 wind power generators on the Noto Peninsula, only nine were able to restart in the two months since the earthquake.
Nevertheless, the "renewable energy belief" is alive and well.
Koji Hirai X-posted that "Renewable energy charge vested interests is compulsorily collected from all electricity users. If not so, completely abolish renewable energy charge."
In [Sorry for extreme wording (by Rui Abiru)] of the Sankei Shimbun, even a view was introduced that "Of renewable energy charge、\2 to 3 trillion are "kicked back" to China."
The nationals should wake up and realize.



> レコードチャイナによれば韓国のネット上で「漢字は韓国の文字だ」と主張する韓国人作家が登場。
> あれあれ日本人も?

According to an article of Record China, a S. Korean writer appeared online claiming that "Chinese Kanji characters are S. Korean characters."
"Chinese Kanji characters originate from the Yin characters by the Yin Dynasty, which preceded the Han Dynasty, and were created by the Dongyi trive. The existing Dongyi people are (S)Koreans and Japanese. In short, it was our ancestors who created Chinese Kanji characters."
What... even Japanese persons too?
The momentum of "every and each matter is uliginal" is unstoppable.
