

>"自民・小野田紀美議員、党員3万人減は「LGBT法通した後」 不記載事件「影響はまだ」"

> 完全に乗っ取られている LGBT活動

Translation of X (* tweet) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/12)


> 自民党員数が107万1075人で3万3688人も減少し、パー券問題が原因と分析。
> は?
>「不記載はもちろんですけど、継続党員の手続きは夏頃からだからこの件の影響はまだ出てない。うちで激減したのは LGBT法を通した後。そこ、ちゃんと向き合って猛省しようよ」と小野田紀美氏。
> 未だ LGBT法に向き合えない自民党

The number of LDP members decreased by even 33,688 to 1,071,075, and it's analyzed that the party ticket issue was the cause.
UH lawmaker Kimi Onoda (LDP) X-posted that "Needless to say, the not recording isssue does matter. However, the process for continuing party membership was kicked off in around summer, therefore the impact of this matter wasn't reflected in it. At my office, it steeply decreased after the LGBT law was passed. Let's face that up squarely seriously reflect on it."
The LDP, which has yet been possible to face up the LGBT law squarely.
