
> Exclusive: Russia producing three times more artillery shells than US and Europe for Ukraine

Translation; It's the first time in history = Russian security authorities has detained a S. Korean male on suspicion of spying

>'ロシア治安当局、韓国人男性をスパイ容疑で拘束 史上初'

> ロシア国営タス通信は11日、消息筋の話として、露治安当局がスパイ容疑で韓国人男性を拘束していたと伝えた。
> 男性の身分や容疑の詳しい内容は不明。
> タスによると、ロシアでスパイ容疑により韓国人が拘束されたのは初だという。

On March 11, as information from source(s), the Russian state run news agency TASS reported that a S. Korean male has been detained in Russia on espionage suspicion.
The male's identity and details of the contents of the charges are unknown.
According to the TASS, >"It marks the first time a South Korean has been arrested in Russia on spying suspicions."

> 拘束されている男性はペク・ウォンスン氏。
> ペク氏は今年初めに露極東ウラジオストクで拘束され、2月に首都モスクワの留置施設に移送された。
> モスクワの裁判所は3月11日、捜査のためにペク氏を6月15日まで留置することを認めた。

The male being detained is "Baek Won-soon."
Baek was detained in Vladivostok in Russia's far east, earlier this year. In Feb., he was transferred to a detention facility in the capital Moscow.
On March 11, >"The Lefortovo Court in Moscow extended the detainment period of the arrested South Korean to June 15 in a closed-door hearing."

> タスによると、治安当局筋は「ペク氏はロシアの国家機密を外国の情報機関に手渡した」と説明。
> また、ペク氏に関する事件資料には「極秘」との記載があるとした。
> ウクライナ侵略後、ロシアは対露制裁を発動したとして、日本や欧米諸国などとともに韓国を「非友好国」に指定している。

According to the TASS, a security official explained that "Baek handed over Russian state secret(s) to foreign intelligence institution(s)."
In addition, it reported that the case-document related with Baek was described as "top secret."
After the making inroad into Ukraine, Russia has designated S. Korea as an "unfriendly country" along with Japan, Western countries, etc., saying that it have enforced sanctions against Russia.