
>"自民青年局長に鈴木貴子氏 過激ショーで辞任した藤原崇氏の後任"

>"【朗報】れいわ新選組の支持率、"体感"で 20%超え! 政権交代か…"


>【右向け右】第512回 - 乾正人・ジャーナリスト/コラムニスト × 花田紀凱(プレビュー版)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/11)


> 上川外相が中国の海上ブイに「撤去や移動、我が国によるブイの設置を含む対応を検討している。関係国が有する権利や義務、我が国の国内法令、船舶交通や漁業活動へ与えうる影響なども踏まえ、可能かつ有効な対応を実施していきたい」と。
> 7か月も検討し続ける "棒読み"外相。
> 中国は絶対にこのヒトに首相になって欲しいだろう

Concerning the Chinese maritime buoy, FM Yoko Kamikawa said that "We cofnsider measures including removal, relocation and the installation of buoys by Japan. We would like to implement possible and effective responses, taking into account the rights and obligations of the relevant countries, Japan's domestic laws, and the potential impact on ship traffic and fishing activities."
The foreign minister who has been continuously considering the matter for seven months.
China definitely wants this person to be the prime minister.



> 杉田水脈氏への人権侵害報道を続ける共同通信が杉田氏の「日本に存在しない差別を話す人たち」との Xを "中傷" "レイシズムを再びあおった"と攻撃。
> 一国会議員への常軌を逸した執着に唖然。
> 杉田氏は「安定の共同通信(笑)。これほどまでに "両論併記"から程遠い報道機関は無いのでは?そもそも健康保険に入れない方がいることが事実だったとしてもそれを訴える場所は国連では無い」と。
> 仰る通り

Kyodo News, which continuously issue human rights violation articles against LH lawmaker Mizu Sugita, attacks her X-post saying that "persons who were talking about discrimination not exist in Japan" that "slander" & "once again fanned racism."
I was stunned by its insane obsession with one national lawmaker.
Sugita X-posted that "As usually, Kyodo News (lol). Isn't there any news organs that is so far from "both theories included"? In the 1st place, even if it were true that some people do not have health insurance, the U.N. is not the place to complain."
She has a point.



> 三木慎一郎氏によれば、埼玉県川口市長の奥ノ木信夫氏は 30回以上訪中し「日本で最も安心して暮らせる多文化共生の街づくりを推進する」と宣言した人物。
> 中国人やクルド人を受け入れ過ぎた反省もなく、駐日中国大使館後援の "川口日中ふれあいイベント"でご覧の挨拶。

According to Shinichiro Miki, Mayor of Kawaguchi City in Saitama, "Nobuo Okunoki," is a person who visited China more than 30 times and declared that "I will promote the creation of a multicultural coexistence city where you can live with the most peace of mind in Japan."
He showed no remorse for accepting too many Chinese and Kurdish persons, and gave a following speech at the "Sino-Kawaguchi rureai event" sponsored by the Chinese Embassy in Japan.
The mayor is the answer to "Why Kawaguchi?".



> 本来なら女子中学生に対する性的暴行事件はフェミニストの出番。
> だが犯人がクルド人だとなぜか声が聞こえない。
> 左翼の目的は日本を崩壊させる事。
> それと関係のない事案は無視される。
> これを「ダブルスタンダード」、あるいは「二枚舌」と呼ぶ

Normally speaking, when it comes to the sexual assault case against junior high school student girl, "feminists" come into play their role.
However, if the culprit is a Kurd, for some reason we can't hear their voice.
It's natural to question that "What's a feminist?".
The leftists' goal is to ruin Japan.
Cases unrelated to that are ignored.
This is described "double standard" or "double-tongued."
