


>"日韓米合同「2024 慰安婦問題を巡る国際シンポジウム in 東京」開催決定!(7月10日 星陵会館)"

> ラムザイヤー氏「正しい事を発信するのは人間としての基本だ!」・韓国医療大乱で政府が病院に戻るよう強権発動も...戻ってきませんでしたw【韓国ミニニュース詰め合わせ】

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Is it appropriate to be dispatched to a "friendship city"? = debate over a CW statue in Germany at Shinjuku Ward assembly

>'新宿区議会でドイツの慰安婦像を巡り論戦 「友好都市」への派遣は妥当なのか'

> 韓国が始めた反日運動をきっかけとして、世界中で慰安婦像の設置が相次いだことは記憶に新しい。
> 史実に基づかない「性奴隷」という誤った歴史認識を広めてしまう恐れが指摘される中、ドイツの首都、ベルリン市ミッテ区に設置された慰安婦像を巡って、東京都新宿区議会で論戦が起きている。
> 外交や国際問題がなぜ、地方自治体に波及したのか。
> 開会中の区議会を尋ねた。

It's still fresh in our memories that, ignited by anti-Japan move started by S. Korea, comfort women statues were erected around the world one after another.
In the situation that it's pointed out that it could spread not based on historic fact wrong historical view of "sex slaves," debate is caused at the Shinjuku Ward assembly over the CW statue instaled in the Mitte District in Berlin, the German capital.
Why is diplmacy and the international issue spreading to the local government?
I visited the ward assembly which is in session.

> 問題の発端は、新宿区が区議会に提案した令和6年度予算案に、区議らをベルリン市ミッテ区に派遣する費用を盛り込んだことだった。
> 2月 28日の区議会予算特別委員会で、伊藤陽平区議(新宿未来の会)は区側を追及した。

The problem was kicked off when Shinjuku Ward authority included the cost of dispatching ward councilors to the Mitte District in Berlin in the 2026 budget proposed to the ward assembly.
At the special budget committee of the ward assembly on February 28, ward councilor Yohei Ito (Shinjuku Mirai no Kai) grilled the ward side.
"There is an issue of the CW statue (in the Mitte District). Even when it was discussed within the group, it became an outrageous discussion that it's outrageous. The Japanese government also says that it's problematic, we therefore should convey it properly. Can we create an opportunity to exchange opinions with the Mitte District Council?"

> 新宿区の担当者が「ミッテ区長や区議会との交流はあると思うが、内容は議員の皆さまの中でそういう話をされるのか決めていただく必要がある」と答弁すると、伊藤氏は「交流の促進も一つの成果だとは思うが、毅然と対応した方が良いと会派として思っている」と訴えた。
When a person in charge of Shinjuku Ward answered that "We think there will be some exchanges with the Mitte District Mayor and the district assembly. However, when it comes to the contents, it's necessary for the assembly members to decide whether or not they want to have such talks," Ito appealed that "I think promoting exchanges is one of the achievements. However, our group think that it's better to deal with the issue resolutely."

> 新宿区は平成6年にミッテ区と友好提携を結んだ。
> 以来、青少年交流事業などを重ね、今年は 30周年を迎えるため区議会議長ら5人の派遣費用として 700万円を予算案に計上した。
> 担当者は「ミッテ区側から招聘状をもらう予定。新型コロナウイルス禍で青少年交流事業が途絶えていたこともあり、意義深いと考えている」と語る。

Shinjuku Ward formed a friendship alliance with the Mitte District in 1994.
Since then, they have carried out youth exchanges project, etc. As this year marks his 30th anniversary, \7 million is included in the budget bill to cover the cost of dispatching five persibs including the ward assembly speaker.
The person in charge said that "We plan to receive an invitation letter from the Mitte District side. We think it's significant, partly due to youth exchange program was suspended due to COVID-19 peril."

> ミッテ区では 2020(令和2)年、韓国系の市民団体が区の公用地に慰安婦像を設置した。
> 像の台座には「日本軍はアジア太平洋地域の無数の少女や女性を強制連行し、性奴隷にした」などと事実に反する記載もあった。
> 吉住健一区長は懸念を表明する書簡をミッテ区長宛てに送った。

In 2020, a S. Korean civic organization (* Korea Verband) installed the CW statue in the district's public land in the Mitte District.
The base of the statue includes contradicting with the fact text stating that >"Japanese troops forcibly took away countless girls and women in the Asia-Pacific Region during World War II, and forced them to be sex slaves."
(Shinjuku) Ward Mayor Kenichi Yoshizumi sent a letter expressed his concern to the Mitte District Mayor.

> 新宿区によれば、当時のミッテ区長からは返信があった。
> 担当者は「私自身は反対なのだが区議会が積極的で… というニュアンスだった。撤去に向けて動くとも書かれていた」と打ち明ける。
> ただ、現在に至るまで像はそのままだ。
> 岸田文雄首相が 22年の日独首脳会談で撤去を要請するなど、外交上の問題にも発展している。

According to Shinjuku Ward authority, the then Mitte District Mayor replied.
A person in charge revealed that. "I myself oppose that. However, the Ward assembly is positive... it was such nuance. It also said that he would take an action in order for the removal."
However, the statue remains as it is until now.
It has also developed into a diplomatic issue, such as PM Fumio Kishida requested its removal at the 2022 Japan-Germany summit.

> こうした中での訪問が、新宿区議会に波紋を広げたというわけだ。
> 慰安婦像の設置を許可し続けるミッテ区と、今後も友好関係を維持できるのかという意見もあれば、そもそも 700万円という派遣費用の是非を問う声までさまざまだ。

It means that the visit under such circumstances has spread a ripple effect on the Shinjuku Ward Assembly.
There are various view -- there is an opinion whether or not it's possible to maintain friendly relations with Mitte Ward from now on too, which continuouly allows the installation of the CW statue, a voice to question propriety of the dispatch fee of \7 million in the 1st place, etc.

> ある新宿区議は「税金を使って海外に行く以上物見遊山はダメで、まずは費用に見合う効果があるか、だ。それでも行くというなら、ミッテ区側がどういう考えで慰安婦像の設置を許可しているのか聞き、日本側の懸念について議論をしてくるべきだろう」と指摘している。
> 予算案を巡る区議会の議論は、3月 21日まで続く。

One Shinjuku Ward councilor pointed out that "As long as using tax money to go to the foreign country, a sightseeing tour is untolerable. What does matter is whether or not the worth the cost effect can be expected. If they still decide to go, they should question the Mitte district side what they think in allowing the installation of the CW statue, and discuss about the concerns on the Japanese side."
The discussion over the budget bill at the ward assembly wll be continuously done until March 21.