

>"Biden slams Trump for blocking Ukraine aid, says US won't 'bow down' to Putin"

> トランプ氏 NATO国防費「十分に支払わなければ防衛義務を順守しない」(2024年2月11日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/10)


> 3年前の総裁選で高市政権でなく岸田政権ができた事で日本はどれほどの損失を被っただろうか。
> 4年前に米でバイデン政権が誕生した事で世界にはどれ程の死者が出ただろうか。
> 選択を誤れば取り返しがつかなくなる事をこの数年で私達は学んだ筈なのに性懲りもなく次の総理に "親中 & 緊縮派"の名前を口にする人々。
> 私には理解不能

How much loss has Japan suffered as the Kishida administration was elected instead of the Takaichi administration in the LDP presidential election three years ago?
How many persons died around the world since the Biden administration took office in the U.S. four years ago?
We should have learned over the past few years that if we make the wrong choices, it's irreversible. Nevertheless, there are persons who shamelessly voice names of "pro-China & austerity advocate" persons as the next prime minister.
It's ununderstandable for me.



> 79年前に死者9万、罹災者100万人以上を出した東京大空襲の日。
> 黄色人種の非戦闘員など "人"と思っていないカーチス・ルメイ指揮官らによって東京は焼き尽くされた。
> 佐藤栄作政権は1964年、ルメイに勲一等旭日大綬章を授与。
> だが昭和天皇は直接手渡す "親授"を拒否。
> 誇りなきリーダー達にどれ程の怒りをお持ちだっただろうか

(March 10) is the day of "Great Tokyo Air Raid" in which 90,000 persons were killed and more than 1 million ones were affected 79 years ago.
Tokyo was burned to the ground by such as commander Curtis Emerson LeMay, who did not consider yellow non-combatants to be "human beings."
The Eisaku Sato administration awarded LeMay the Grand Cordon of the Order of the Rising Sun in 1964.
However, Emperor Showa refused "direct award" to directly hand it over to him.
How much anger did he feel towards leaders without pride?



> 公明党が "7つの創価学会ファミリー企業"に「政治資金10億円」を支出しているという週刊ポスト & NEWSポストセブンの記事が波紋。
> 税金から 29億円の政党交付金を受ける公明党が聖教新聞等に "補助負担費"等々の名目で支出している、と。
> 自民党の裏金以上の問題。
> 政党交付金の廃止を

An article in "Weekly Post & NEWS Post Seven" that states that Komei Party expends "\1 billion political fund" to "seven Soka Gakkai family companies" has caused a controversy.
It said that the Komei Party, which receives 2.9 billion yen in political party subsidy from tax money, spends it for "Seikyo Shimbun" etc. in the name of "subsidy expenses," etc.
It's the more serious problem than the LDP's slush funds.
Political party subsidy should be abolished.

>"公明党が "7つの創価学会ファミリー企業"に「政治資金10億円」を支出 資金使途「通信発送費」「購読料」は適切なのか"