
>'確定分だけで16.5億円… 都庁プロジェクションマッピング、やっぱり "あの企業"にお金が流れていた'

>"電通子会社に18億円プロジェクションマッピング発注… 電通、あと 900回ぐらい入札停止になっても大丈夫そう(※電通の連結子会社は 907社)"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/9)


> やはり福島瑞穂氏との国会質疑の余波。
> いつもながら "台本"なしの完璧答弁。
> 常に日の当たる道を歩いて来た高市早苗氏への嫉妬の理由がよく分る。
> だが財務省の緊縮路線とおさらばするサナエノミクス、そして媚中政治と訣別する毅然外交で日本は存続の道を。
> 国を想う政治家は高市氏のもとに集まって下さい

"Takaichi-san" is trending.
As expected, this is the aftermath of the Diet session with UH lawmaker Mizuho Fukushima (SDP).
As always, the perfect answering without a "script."
It's easy to understand why she is jealous of LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP), who has always walked the path where the sun shines.
However, Japan is on the path to survival through Sanaenomics, which bids farewell to the MoF's austerity policy, and resolute diplomacy, which bids farewell to the politics of flattery.
Politicians who care about the country should gather around Takaichi.



> 高市早苗氏の誕生日3月7日に約1㌔のチャーシューとローストビーフセットを贈った保守団結の会。
> 高鳥修一氏は「(高市さんは)満面の笑みでした。肉を食べて厳しい国会を乗り切ってください!」とポスト。
> 確かに高鳥氏、赤池誠章氏、高市早苗氏という保守・現実派の笑顔のスリーショットを見ると希望を持ちたくなる

The (LDP intra-party) "conservative solidarity association," which presented a set of approx. 1 kg of roasted pork fillet and roast beef on the birthday of Sanae Takaichi, on March 7.
LH lawmaker Shuichi Takatori (LDP) posted that "(Takaichi) was a big smile. Please eat meat and get through the tough Diet session!"
Certainly, when I see the photo showing smiling three conservative and realistic persons -- Takatori, UH lawmaker Masaaki Takaike (LDP) & Sanae Takaichi -- I want to have hope.



> 政治刷新本部でまた吠えた小野田紀美氏。
> ご自身によれば「法的に罪にならんかったら責任とらんでええってわけじゃないからな、派閥以外のパーティーの問題も、外国勢力と繋がりを持つような人間を雇うのも、不倫も、挙げればキリがない。ええ加減にせーよ」と。
> 高市早苗、有村治子、小野田紀美、杉田水脈氏ら毅然とした女性議員達が唯一の救い

UH lawmaker Kimi Onoda (LDP) barked once again at a meeting of the political reform headquarters.
According to herself, "Even if it's not a sin legally, it doesn't mean that you don't need to be responsible. When listing, it's endless -- such as the problem pf holding parties by other than factions, hiring a person with connection to foreign powers, and having extramarital affairs. That's enough!"
Resolute female lawmakers -- such as Sanae Takaichi, UH lawmaker Haruko Arimura (LDP), UH lawmaker Kimi Onoda (LDP), and LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) -- are the only hope.



> 中国政府が中国語普及の国外拠点とする孔子学院同様の機関が "早大学院に設置されている"とする答弁書を政府が決定。
> 昨年の答弁書では孔子学院が早大、立命館大など13大学で設置されていると回答。
> だが、まさか偏差値 75の屈指の進学校まで…
> 廖承志以来の早稲田の "中国汚染"が酷すぎる

The government has adpoted a written answering stating that an institution similar to the Confucius Institute, which is Beijing's overseas bases for spreading the Chinese-language, is "located at Waseda University Senior High School."
In last year's written answering, it replied that Confucius Institutes were established at 13 universities, including Waseda University and Ritsumeikan University.
However, I never imagined that even one of the best preparatory schools with a deviation score of 75 is...
Waseda's "China-contamination" since Liao Chengzhi is too serious.

>"早大学院に「孔子学院と同様の機関設置」 政府が答弁書を決定"


> 女子中学生への性的暴行で逮捕されたクルド人(20)。
> 警鐘通りだが "遊んだが暴行はしていない"と。
> 幼少期に来日した男は父親と共に難民認定申請中で入管施設への収容を一時的に解かれた仮放免中。
> 法治国家ならぬ"放置国家"日本。

A Kurdish male (20), who was arrested for sexually assaulting a junior high school student girl.
It's true to my alarm, and the male claims that he "played with the girl, but not assaulted her."
The male, who came to Japan as a child with his father, was in the process of applying for refugee status and was on provisional release, who was temporarily lifsted from detention at an immigration facility.
Japan is not a "country ruled by law" but "neglecting country."
The voice (of a local resident) sounds keenly that "both the central- and local governments are doing nothing."

>"川口クルド問題、地元当事者の声続々「政治が動いてくれない」 社会の分断一層進む恐れも"