Ref.>"China Starts its 'Two Sessions' Meetings: Why They Matter"

>"The US Marines' Force Design 2030: Hatred and Hubris"

>"EDITORIAL | Security Clearance Bill Addresses Protection of Confidential Info"

>"米国に対抗して宇宙戦略を活発化させる中国 人民解放軍の "未確認航空現象"対処システムは軍事的牽制の狙いも"


↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; Chinese President Xi Jinping directed to upgrade the PLA's capabilities by using state of the art science technology


> 習近平国家主席(中央軍事委員会主席)は7日、全国人民代表大会の軍・武警代表団の会議に出席し、人工知能(AI)など先端科学技術を活用した「新興領域」の軍の戦略能力を「全面的に引き上げる」よう指示した。
> 中国国営中央テレビが伝えた。

On March 7, Chinese President Xi Jinping (Chairman of the Central Military Commission) attended a meeting of a delegation of the PLA and armed police during the National People's Congress (NPC), and directed to "totally upgrade" the PLA's strategic capabilities in "emerging domains" using state of the art technologies including artificial intelligence (AI).
The state-run China Central Television (CCTV) reported so.

> 習氏は新興領域の活用によって、無人機(ドローン)や海洋、宇宙、サイバー分野の能力を向上させるよう求めた。

"Emerging domains" refers to diversion to military use of such as AI, quantum computers, which the 2019 Defense White Paper called for "upgrade."
Xi Jinping required to improve capabilities in unmanned aerial vehicles (drones), maritime, space and cyber fields by using "emerging domains."