Ref.>"女子中学生に性的暴行か… トルコ国籍の男(20)逮捕"

>"ヒジャブなしで TikTok撮った少女、父親に絞殺される…"

>"三崎優太さん「能登地震で被災地の家に侵入して 6.5万円相当を盗んだ、名古屋、ブラジル、中国籍の少年、少女3人が逮捕されたらしい。 これじゃあ、外国人に対する警戒感、上がるのもわかるよね」"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/7)


>「こども家庭庁の年間予算を新生児の数で割れば "1人当り 634万円"くらいになるらしい。ならこのカネ配って出産を促した方が人口増は確実では?」と加藤清隆氏。
> 以前から私が提唱している "納税者倍増計画"はネットでも大反響を呼び、そこまで言って委員会 NPでも話題になったが、官僚や政治家は採用しない

Kiyotaka Kato expressed that "If you divide the Children and Families Agency's annual budget by the number of newborns, it seems to be estimated to be about \6.34 million per person. If so, wouldn't it be more likely that the population would increase if we distributed this money to encourage births?"
The "taxpayer doubling plan" that I have been advocating for a long time has caused an online great responses, and was even talked about in "committee acceptable to say to such degree NP." However, neither bureaucrats nor politicians do adopt that.



> 抗議で KADOKAWAが刊行中止にした心と体の性が一致しないトランスジェンダーの実態を取材した米書が来月、産経新聞出版から発売。
> 早くも大反響。
> 同社は「多くの人に読んで貰いたい内容の本がなぜ日本で発行できないのか。不当な圧力には屈しない」と。
> 拙著も同社から多数出して貰っている。
> さすが…

A U.S. book -- which covered the reality of transgender persons, whose genders don't match in their minds and bodies, whose publication was canceled by KADOKAWA due to protests -- will be released by Sankei Shimbun Publishing next month.
It already causes a huge response.
The company said that "Why can't a book with content that we expect many persons to read be published in Japan? We won't bow to undue pressure."
Many of my books have been published by that company too.
As expected...
