

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; "We will assess whether or not violation of sovereignty" = FM Yoko Kamikawa expressed so over the Hong Kong government, which asserted collusive relations between a democratization activist in Hong Kong and former LH lawmaker Shiori Kanno

>'上川陽子外相「主権侵害か見極める」 民主活動家と菅野志桜里氏の共謀主張の香港政府巡り'

> 上川陽子外相は6日の参院予算委員会で、香港政府が菅野志桜里元衆院議員に対し、国家安全維持法(国安法)違反罪で起訴した民主活動家の黎智英(れい・ちえい、ジミー・ライ)氏との共謀関係を主張している問題について「裁判で菅野氏が名指しされていることは承知している」とした上で、「主権の侵害に当たるかどうかも含めて個別具体的な状況は見極める必要がある」と述べるにとどめた。
Concerning the issue that the Hong Kong government argues collusive relations to former LH lawmaker Shiori Kanno with Jimmy Lai Chee-ying, a democratization activist who was indicted on breaching the Safeguarding National Security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (the Hong Kong National Security Law), at an UH budget committee on March 6, FM Yoko Kamikawa only said that "It's necessary to assess each specific situation, including whether it constitutes a violation of sovereignty" after saying that "we know that Kanno was named in a lawsuit."

> 国民民主党の舟山康江参院議員の質問に答えた。
> 舟山氏は上川氏に対し、「国境を越えて、日本の政治家の活動が犯罪化されることは主権侵害に当たる。毅然と対応してほしい」と訴えた。

She answered so in response to a question by UH lawmaker Yasue Funayama (DPFP).
To FM Kamikawa, UH lawmaker Funayama applealed that "Criminalizing an activity of a Japanese politician over the national border constitutes a violation of sovereignty. I expect you to address that resolutely."

> 香港政府は香港高等法院で行われている裁判で、黎氏が元米国防副長官らに接触するなどして香港や中国政府への制裁を働きかけたと主張し、菅野氏を共謀者として挙げている。
> これに対し菅野氏は、衆院議員時代に中国政府による香港での迫害を抑止するための法整備を政府に働きかけたなどの経緯はあるが、黎氏とは面識がないとしている。

The Hong Kong government claims in a lawsuit underway at the Hong Kong High Court that Jimmy Lai Chee-ying contacted with a former U.S. Deputy Secretary of Defense and others to lobby for sanctions against the Hong Kong- and Chinese governments, and former LH lawmaker Shiori Kanno is named as a co-conspirator.
On the other hand, Kanno explains that there is a process of lobbying the government for legislation to prevent suppression in Hong Kong by Beijing when she was a LH lawmaker, but she has no acquaintance with Jimmy Lai Chee-ying.