Ref.>"国税庁ポスト「こんな収入の申告漏れにご注意!」→ ツッコミ殺到…"

>"元BOØWY・高橋まことさん「福島の刺身うめえ!放射能なんてぶっとばせ!福島万歳!日本好き!」→ 13年後…"

>"都営地下鉄職員「皆で知恵を出し合って 20億円かかるはずのホームドア設置を 300万に抑えたぞ!」→ 一方、都庁では…"

> 川口市の日本人女性の訴え~クルド人問題を考える~

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/5)


> 立憲辻元清美氏が自らの秘書給与1800万円流用詐欺事件に触れ「22年前、議員辞職しても衆院予算委の参考人招致に応じろと私を引きずり出したのは自民党だ。私は逃げなかったから国政に復帰できたと思っている」と。
> は?
> 週刊新潮の告発に逃げ続け、裁判官にも「悪質な詐欺事件であり、犯行後も虚偽内容の弁解を強弁するという国会議員としてあるまじき無責任な対応をした」と断罪されたのを忘れたか。
> 絶句…

UH lawmaker Kiyomi Tsujimoto (CDPJ) commented on the case of misappropriation of her secretary's salary of \18 million, saying, "22 years ago, it was the LDP which dragged me to a UH budget committee to serve as a witness even though I resigned as a Diet lawmaker. I think I was able to return to national politics because I didn't evade."
Does she forget to have thorougly evaded in response to the charge by weekly magazine Shincho, and condemned by a judge that "This was a malicious fraud case, and she responded in an irresponsible manner that was untoleravble as a Diet member to forcefully excuted the fake contents even after the crime had been committed."

>"立憲・辻元氏「22年前、私は逃げなかった」 首相に真相解明要求"


> 日本が勢いを取り戻すには1970年代の国民負担率 20%台は無理でも、できるだけ今の約 50%から 30%台に近づけなくてはならない。
> 以下の予算を見ればただ溜息
> …等々これでは税収がいくらあっても足りない

In order for Japan to regain its momentum, it is necessary to bring the national burden rate as close as possible to the current 50% to 30% range, even if it is impossible to achieve the 20% level in the 1970s.
Just look at the budget below and just sigh;
- gender equality project
- support project for females in difficulty
- LGBT support project
- another dimension declining birthrate countermeasures project
- special stay project for illegally staying foreign criminals
- welfare assistance for foreigners -- etc.
Taking it into consideration, no matter how much tax revenue there is, insufficient.



> 外国人労働者受入れの在留資格 "特定技能"で政府は 2024年度から5年間で最大 82万人の受入れを試算している、と毎日。
> 当初の2倍以上。
> 移民で世界2位のレイプ大国となったスウェーデンのあとをどうしても追いたい岸田首相。
> 人件費を抑えたい財界の尻馬に乗る愚。
> 眠っている潜在労働力活用のため人件費を上げる事など絶対考えない政府と財界。
> もはや処置なし岸田政権

According to the Mainichi Shimbun, the government estimates to accept up to 820,000 ones over five-year period starting in 2024, under the "Specified Skilled Worker" status in order for receiving foreign workers.
It's more than double from the initial estimation.
PM Kishida desperately wants to follow in the footsteps of Sweden, which has become the 2nd largest rapist powerhouse country in the world due to immigration.
It's a stupid move to follow the business circle which wants to keep down labor costs.
The government and the business circle, which never consider to raise labor costs to utilize not utilized potential labor forces.
The already cureless Kishida administration.

>"特定技能、5年間で最大 82万人受け入れ見込み 外国人依存強まる"


> 川口はクルド人問題だけではない。
> 維新の高橋英明議員(元川口市議)が「川口には中国人が約3万人いる。駅から近い家は中国人が買い、日本人は駅から遠い所しか買えない。川口には中国人が半数を占める小学校が2、3校ある。外国人の人数規制や土地購入規制できないのか?」と質問。
> 法務省は「できる」と回答。
> なぜ岸田首相は "国を守らない"のか謎

In Kawaguchi City, the Kurdish issue isn't the only one.
LH lawmaker Hideaki Takahashi (Ishin, former Kawaguchi city councilor) questioned that "There are approx. 30,000 Chinese persons in Kawaguchi. Chinese persons buy houses close to stations, while Japanese one can only buy houses far from stations. There are two or three elementary schools in Kawaguchi where half of the students are Chinese ones. Isn't it possible to restrict the number of foreigners and land purchases by them?".
The MoJ replied that "it's possible."
It's a conundrum why PM Kishida doesn't "protect the country."



> 自民有村治子氏が明日の参院予算委で10時から質問に立つ。
> 注目は、
> …等について質問する事。
> 自民党の中で数少ない保守・現実派。
> どんな答弁を引き出し、腐った政府に楔を打ち込むか

UH lawmaker Haruko Arimura (LDP) will hold a Q&A session at tomorrow's UH Budget Committee meeting starting at 10:00 am.
The focus is on questioning about following points, etc.:
1) Pros and cons of banning foreigners from purchasing political funding party tickets
2) The issue of visit to the Yasukuni Shrine by SDF members
3) Transfer of defense equipment, especially fighter jets, to 3rd party countries

She is one of few conservative and pragmatist members of the LDP.
What kind of responses she will withdraw and drive a wedge into the corrupt government?