


> 拡声器で「帰れ」「ヘイトデモ中止」性別変更反対の女性デモに3度目の妨害行為. 産経新聞、その他

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 3/4)


> これはしょうがないのです。
> 幻想とファンタジーに生きているから、最低限日本に迷惑と損失を与えないように監視するしかない。
> 何しろ朝鮮半島に大和朝廷の影響が及んでいた事を証明する前方後円墳が出てくると埋めてしまうような国なのです。
> 百済が日本の植民地だった事も、任那の日本府も認めない。

This can't be helped.
The reason why is that they live in illusions and fantasies. At the very least, we have no choice but to monitor (S. Korea) so as not to cause any trouble or loss to Japan.
After all, if a "keyhole-shaped" tumulus was found, that proved the influence of the Yamato court on the Korean peninsula, it's a country to have buried that.
They acknowledge neither Baekje was a Japanese colony nor existance of "Imna Japanese Headquarters."



> RT希望します。
> 日本人一人ひとりに降りかかる問題。
> 自分の首が絞められる事をお忘れなく。

I would like you "RT."
It's a problem to affect every and each Japanese person.
Don't forget that your own neck will be strangled.

> 日本でも最も危惧されていたファシストの暴力的威嚇。
> 異なった意見への一方的な言論弾圧がすでに何回も起きている。
> 米国の現象と全く同じで、ヘイト勢力が相手をヘイトと罵るレッテルばりが横行。

This is the violent threat by fascists, that has been most worried in Japan.
Unilateral suppression of speech against different opinions has already occurred many times.
This is exactly the same phenomenon as in the U.S. -- "labeling" is rampant, in which hater-power curse their opponents "haters."
