Ref.>"ウェブトゥーン産業、減速か 市場会社が将来予測値を下方修正"



> 韓国弁護士ら「日本は徴用工判決を国際法違反だと言うが、国際社会は主権免除を否定し、人権中心へと向かっている」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/3)


> "元徴用工"訴訟で日本企業に実害が出た事を松井一郎氏が「岸田政権の "外交大失態"。原告側は"日本企業による事実上の賠償"と勝ち誇っており今後、他の日本企業に実害が発生する可能性がある。安倍政権はこれに備えて100前後の対抗措置をリストアップしていたという。岸田政権は即刻それらの対抗措置に踏み切るべきだ。日本の世界での位置付けが岸田政権によって大いに毀損されている」と。
> ご尤も。
> だが誇り & 常識なき岸田首相は絶対やらない。
> だって首相でいる事だけが目的の人だから

Concerning that actual harm caused to the Japanese company in the conscripted workers lawsuit, Ichiro Matsui stated that 'This is a "major diplomatic blunder" of the Kishida administration. The plaintiffs are proud of the fact that this is "de facto compensation by a Japanese company." Other Japanese companies will possibly be harmed from now on. The Abe administration allegedly listed around 100 countermeasures to be ready for that. The Kishida administration should immediately carry out such countermeasures. Japan's position in the world has been severely damaged by the Kishida administration.'
He has a point.
However, PM Kishida, who has neither pride nor common sense, will never do that.
The reason why is that his only purpose is to be continuously prime minister.

>"徴用工訴訟、日本企業「実害」は岸田政権の大失態 韓国に完全になめられた 松井一郎"


> 民主党と並ぶ、いやそれ以上の "悪夢の3年"となった岸田政権。
> この動画を見ると、日本の歴史の中で岸田政権がいかに "日本存続の敵"だったかよく分る。
>"次"も岸田リベラル路線 or 亜流が続くなら、日本国民が自ら「滅びの道」を選択したことになり、もはや致し方なし

The Kishida administration, that is on par with, or even worse than, the "three years nightmare" of the DPJ.
When you watch this footage, you can clearly see how the Kishida administration has been the "enemy of Japan's continuation" throughout Japanese history.
If the "next" administration are also Kishida's liberal line or substream line, it means that the Japanese nationals have chosen the "path of destruction" by themselves. If so, it can't be helped.



> 移民推進 & ポリコレに苦しむ米。
> 日本の反日亡国勢力は "日本破壊"の為にこれを利用し、驀進中。
> 国家観も歴史観も政治哲学もない岸田首相が騙されるのは当然だが、保守・現実派と見られていた政治家たちも簡単に踊らされた。

The U.S., which is suffering from "immigration-promotion" and "political correctness."
Japan's "anti-Japan ruining the country" forces have been using the same to "destroy Japan."
Even though it's natural that PM Kishida, who has no state-ideology, historical view and political philosophy, politicians who were seen as conservative and pragmatist have been easily fooled too.
It has become that LH lawmaker Sanae Takaichi (LDP) is the only person, who can realize the "restoration of Japan" and "U.S.-Japan equal relations."



> モリソン豪前首相の引退演説が世界で話題に。
> 中国の脅威と威圧に「我々は騙されてはいけない。中国の戦術は変わっても戦略は変わらない。中国は圧力で我々が怯むと考えていたが我が国は厳然と立ち向かい、同盟国やパートナーと協力し対抗した。AUKUSやクアッド等の連携を強化すべきなのだ」と。
> 歴史に名を残す現実政治家

Former Australian PMinister Scott John Morrison's farewell speech has become a hot topic around the world.
He said that "We must not be fooled. China's tactics may change, but its strategy remains the same. China thought we would be cowed by pressure, but our country stood firm and cooperated with our allies and partners. We should strengthen cooperation with AUKUS, Quad, etc." on China's threats and coercion.
He is a pragmatic politician who will leave his name in history.

>"「中国にだまされるな」 前豪首相、引退演説で警鐘"


> 楊海英氏が「我々内モンゴル人、ウイグル人、チベット人はなぜ中国に占領され亡国したか?優しかったからだ。中国から貧しい人々を受け入れ、食わせ、住まわせた。だが人口逆転すると牙を向き、ジェノサイドの対象にされた」と。
> これだけ訴えても国民と政治家の無関心 & 無知は変わらない。
> 時々虚しくなる

Prof. Yang Haiying (* aka Akira Ohno) X-posted that "Why were we -- Inner Mongolians, Uyghurs and Tibetans -- occupied and ruined by China? Because we were kind. We accepted poor persons from China, fed them, and housed them. However, when the population reversed, the Chinese turned their fangs and we were forced to be subject to genocide."
Even though we appeal so much, therea are no changes in "indifference" and "ignorance" of the nationals and politicians.
Sometimes, I feel empty