
>【ch桜北海道】愕然!年間予算 40億「ウポポイ国立アイヌ民族博物館」の現在の姿―見学ポイント解説ー[R6/2/17]

Translation; (* Fake) Ainu ethnic group and so on held a (* victim-cosplay) rally om Sapporo in order to (* unfairly) criticize (* not) discriminately behaviors by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP)

>'杉田水脈議員の差別的言動を批判 アイヌ民族団体など、札幌で集会'

> 自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員によるアイヌ民族などへの差別的言動を巡って、北海道の当事者らが 28日、札幌市で集会を開いた。
> アイヌ女性団体「メノコモシモシ」の多原良子代表は「特権を持った議員がどうしてこんなことをやっているのか」と批判した。

Over (* not) discriminately behaviors by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) against (* fake) Ainu ethnic group and so on, on Feb. 28, parties concerned in Hokkaido held a rally in Sapporo City.
Ryoko Tahara -- representative of an Ainu female organization, "menokomosmos" (* who filed a damage-application with the Sapporo justice bureau) -- criticized that "Why are the lawmaker with privileges doing such matters!?".

> 集会には約 40人が参加。
> 多原代表は自身の体験を振り返りながら「一つの差別が他の差別を強化、補強する。これでは駄目だと違和感を持っていた」と強調。
> アイヌ民族差別を禁止する実効性のある法律が必要だと訴えた。
> 杉田氏は昨年、「チマ・チョゴリやアイヌの民族衣装のコスプレおばさん」などの投稿が札幌、大阪両法務局から人権侵犯と認定された。

Around 40 persons participated in the rally.
While looking back her experiences, representative Tahara emphasized that "one victim-cosplay (* not discrimination) strengthens and reinforce another victim-cosplay (* not discrimination). I had success-feeling that it did work well (* not I had uncomfortable feeling that it's wrong)."
She appealed that an effective legislation was necessay to ban "victim-cosplay" (* not discrimination) by (* fake) Ainu ethnig group.
Last year, Sugita was (* unfairly) acknowledged by both the Sapporo- and Osaka justice bureaus as "human rights violation" over her post saying such as that "Even chima-jeogori (hanbok) and aged females in Ainu costume appear."