Ref.>"<川口市クルド人問題>「地域住民の人権は無視ですか?」「私たちの存在を消さないで」テレビや新聞でほとんど報道されない地元住民の思い 「地域住民は存在しないかのように扱われている」川口市在住の女性制作の画像が話題に"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/2)


> 株価対策で中国「国家隊」が 8.5兆円を投入し、中国株が一時小康状態に。
> だが平井宏治氏は「IMFは地方融資平台の隠れ債務を約 2000兆円とみている。他の含み損を考えると 8.5兆円?焼石に水だろう」と。
> 融資平台だけで約 2000兆の隠れ債務とは…
> 悪性インフレが始まった時が「対外侵略のスタート」か

China's "National Team" injected \8.5 trillion into stock price countermeasure, causing a temporary lull state in the Chinese stock market.
However, Koji Hirai X-posted that "The IMF estimates that the hidden debt of local government financing vehicles is about \2,000 trillion. When other unrealized losses are taken into account, \8.5 trillion? It's probably a drop in the bucket."
Local government financing vehicle alone has a hidden debt of about 2,000 trillion...
When malignant inflation starts, will it be start of the "foreign invasion"!?


>"中国「国家隊」が 8.5兆円投入 IPO計画中止も 当局の株価対策で中国株は小康状態"


> 島田洋一氏が「国家観も政策も不分明な上川陽子氏を "初の女性首相"の看板のもと立て、総選挙に臨もうとするなら国民を舐め切った話であり、自民党に益々強烈な鉄槌を下さねばならない」と。
> ソッポを向いた国政選挙6連勝の保守・現実派をここまで舐めてバッジを維持できると思っている議員達の感覚が逆に凄い

Prof. emeritus at Fukui Prefectural University Yoichi Shimada X-posted that 'If the LDP attempts to run a general election while holding Yoko Kamikawa, whose state-ideology and policies are unclear, as its President under the banner of the "1st female prime minister," it will be a matter totally licking the nationals. We must deliver an even stronger blow to the LDP.'
The feelings of Diet members -- who think that they will be maintain their badges while licking the "conservative & realistic" powers, who have won six consecutive national elections -- is on the contrary amazing.



> 大野元裕埼玉県知事がクルド人を表彰。
> 絶句。
> 知事が埼玉を率先して破壊。
> なぜ知事は川口に行かない?
> なぜ住民の話を聞かない?
> 知事がすべきは "表彰"ではなく "送還"への道筋確立

Saitama Gov. Motohiro Ono gave an award the Kurds.
It's only natural to wonder that "If this is a group of legal immigrants who pay taxes, social insurance, and health insurance, and are not committing various acts of nuisance or crime..."
The governor takes the initiative in destroying Saitama Pref.
Why doesn't the governor go to Kawaguchi City?
Why doesn't he listen to the on-site residents?
What the governor should do is not give awards but establish a path to repatriation.



> リベラルはどこまで国を壊すのだろうか。
> 岸田首相は確かに大量の移民を受け入れる NYの E.アダムス市長と似ている。
> 1000㌦(約15万円)以下の窃盗は起訴せず、税金での難民優遇策に大量の難民が押し寄せ、"万引天国"に。
> なぜ岸田首相が日本を NYのようにしたいかは謎。
> きっと根っからの偽善者なのだろう

To what extent will liberals destroy the country?
PM Kishida surely resembles Mayor of NYC Eric Leroy Adams, who accepts large numbers of immigrants.
Thefts of less than $1,000 (approx. \150,000) are not prosecuted, and a large number of refugees flock to there due to preferential treatment for refugees with tax money, the NYC has become a "shoplifting paradise" due to that.
It's a conundrum why PM Kishida wants to modify Japan like New York City.
He's probably a hypocrite from bottom of his heart.



> この英国女性の訴えを岸田首相に聞かせたい。
> 日本も同じ道

I would like PM Kishida to hear this British female's appeal.
This female says that "Islamic extremism has taken over the UK. In case you still think it's a good idea to have hundreds of thousands of people come over whose values are harmful to the British people. Let's review. From a member of Parliament being killed. Literal children being murdered at a concert. An autistic kid being sent death threats for damaging a Quran. And the Labour Party is changing parliamentary convention out of fear of upsetting Lslamic extremists. This is the consequence of having mass immigration and multiculturalism forced upon the British people, without our consent. And it's only going to get worse.
Japan is following the same path.
