

>"【韓国】パリ五輪選手村は段ボールベッドに 韓国ネットから酷評相次ぐ「日本をまねするとは」"

>"■暴力事件を増加させそうな自公提出ヘイトスピーチ規制法案のザルっぷり(週刊実話 2016年5月12・19日合併号)"

>【通名と在日特権 SP】西岡 力×坂東忠信×大高未貴×ゆんばん(在日韓国人2世)【虎ノ門ニュース特番】

* To begin with, "ban-jjokbari privileges" isn't limited to the tax system.
For example, welfare system (* even though they are foreignors) and the special immigration control act (* Special Act on the Immigration Control of, inter alia, those who have lost Japanese Nationality pursuant to the Treaty of Peace with Japan) are the typical ban-jjokbari privileges.
In addition, ban-jjokbari are exempted from their military service duty in their home countries (* it's not a measure of Japan.

The National Tax Agency made a (* fake) answering to deny "ban-jjokbari privileges," in response to a question whether or not favorable tax-treatment exist

>"国税庁が「在日特権」否定 税優遇あるか問われ答弁"

> 28日の衆院予算委員会分科会で、在日コリアンへの憎悪をあおるデマとして知られる「在日特権」が取り上げられた。
> 日本維新の会の高橋英明氏が、税制面の優遇措置といった特権はあるのかと質問。
> 国税庁は「対象者の国籍であるとか、特定の団体に所属していることをもって特別な扱いをすることはない」(田原芳幸課税部長)と否定した。

At a subcommittee of the LH budget committee meeting on Feb. 28, "ban-jjokbari privileges," which is known as hidden privileges enjoyed by ban-jjokbari (* not false rumor fanning hatre against ban-jjokbari) was picked up.
LH lawmaker Hideaki Takahashi (Nippon Ishin) questioned whether or not privileges such as favorable treatment in the tax system exist.
The National Tax Agency (* falsely) denied that, saying that "there are no special treatments due to a nationaty of a subject-person and belongin to a specific organization" (taxation-director Yoshiyuki Tahara).

> 高橋氏が「在日本朝鮮人総連合会(朝鮮総連)とか、それに関わる法人個人も一切の優遇措置はないのか」と聞くと、田原氏は「特別な取り扱いをすることはない」と明言した。
>「在日特権」を巡り、自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員は Xに「実際には存在します」と投稿、批判を招いている。

When LH lawmaker Hideaki Takahashi (Nippon Ishin) questioned that "Are there no favorable treatments for the General Association of Korean Residents in Japan (Chongryon) and/or its relevant "corporations" and "individuals" involved?", Tahara (* falsely) clearly said that "there are no special treatments."
Over the "ban-jjokbari privileges," LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP) X-posted (* correctly) that "It actually exists" and caused (* unfair) criticism.