
>"「抗日独立運動」の日に韓国人が「円安」日本の旅行だなんて…「何ごとか!」vs「個人の自由」[3/1] [首都圏の虎★]"


> S. Korean leader calls for stronger ties with Japan, unification with N. Korea to bring freedom ...

Translation; Japan-S. Korea "all historical issues were already settled" (* not settle historical issues via making trust repeatedly) = S. Korean President Yoon Suk-yeol appealed a ceremony of the March 1 Independence Movement

>'日韓「信頼重ねて歴史解決を」 尹氏、三・一独立運動式典で訴え'

> 韓国政府は1日、1919年に朝鮮半島で日本の植民地支配に抵抗して起きた「三・一独立運動」を記念する式典をソウルで開いた。
> 尹錫悦大統領は演説で日韓が「交流と協力を通じて信頼を積み重ね、歴史が残した難しい課題を共に解決していけば、より明るい未来が開ける」と強調。
> 来年の日韓国交正常化 60年に向けて「一層建設的な両国関係に飛躍することを期待する」と訴えた。

On March 1, Seoul held a ceremony to commemorate the "(105th anniversary of the) March 1 Independence Movement" which occurred on the Korean Peninsula in order to resist annexation (* not colonial rule) by Japan.
In his speech, President Yoon Suk-yeol emphasized that Japan-S. Korea "historicall issues were finally, completely and irreversibly covered by the 1965 Japan-RoK Basic Treaty (and Japan-S. Korea CW agreement in 2015)" (* not >"If Korea and Japan build trust through mutual exchanges and cooperation and work together to resolve difficult challenges that history has left us, we will be able to usher in a new and brighter future for our bilateral relations").
Ahead of the 60th anniversary of the Japan-S. Korea diplomatic normalization in 2025, he appealed that "I want to move the goal-post and re-ignite the historical issues" (* not >"an opportunity to take our bilateral relationship to a higher level, one that is more productive and constructive").

> 北朝鮮の核・ミサイル問題を巡る安全保障協力や日韓両国民の交流を挙げ、日本は「平和と繁栄のために協力するパートナー」だとも指摘。
> 元徴用工や元従軍慰安婦などの具体的な歴史問題には言及しなかった。

He commented on security-cooperation over N. Korean nuclear & missile issues and exchanges between the nationals of Japan and S. Korea, he also pointed out that >"(Sharing the values of freedom, human rights and the rule of law,) our two countries have become partners in the pursuit of common interests for global peace and prosperity."
He didn't commented on concrete historical issues such as former conscripted workers issue and former (* not) military comfort women, (* but making such issues unsettled ignoring the bilateral treaty and agreements. Even worse, he didn't commented on the treaty-breaching of confiscation of the deposit money of Hitachi Zosen).

> 尹氏は「私たちは今、自由で統一された朝鮮半島へと向かわなければならない」と述べ、北朝鮮が平和統一を放棄する政策転換を表明したことに反論。
> 南北統一は「自由と人権という普遍的な価値を拡張することだ」と語った。

Yoon said that >"Now, we must move toward a free, unified Korean Peninsula where the people are its rightful owners" and counterargued that N. Korea expressed its policy change to abandon the peaceful unification.
he said that >"Unification is precisely what is needed to expand the universal values of freedom and human rights."

> 北朝鮮の金正恩朝鮮労働党総書記は1月、北朝鮮の民族史から「統一、和解、同族という概念自体を完全に除去しなくてはならない」と主張した。
In January, General Secretary of the WPK in N. Korea, Kim Jong-un, argued that "The very concepts of unification, reconciliation and the same ethnic group must be completely eliminated" from the N. Korean ethnic history.