
>"LINEヤフーを行政指導へ 情報 51万件流出"

>"日経平均 39800キタ━━━━(゚∀゚)━━━━!!"


Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 3/1)


> ナザレンコ氏が「正規の在留資格で入国し、長く活動していた場合、その後、資格更新しなくても在留できる制度が永住許可。条件は定められており、2年前に厳しくなった。なぜまた遵法者に厳しく違法者に優しい例外を作ろうとするのか」と。
> 政権に道理も、節度も、国家観もない以上、崩れていくのは自明

Andrii Igorovich Nazarenko X-posted that "permanent residence is the system that, if you enter Japan with a regular residence status and have been working for a long time, you are allowed to stay in Japan without renewal of the qualification. The conditions are set, which was tightened two years ago. Why does (Tokyo) attempt to create an exception, that is strict on law-abiding persons while easy on illegals?".
It's as a matter of course that it's collasping as the administration has no reason, moderation and state-ideology.



> フシギだが岸田首相は本当に多文化共生が可能だと思っている。
> 勿論、他人やその文化を尊重する日本人が他国に移り、共生する事は可能。
> だが欧州の惨状とこの動画は排他的文化との共生は無理である事を示している。

> 伊勢神宮や出雲大社、靖国神社がどんな目に遭うか想像を。 > そして "反日勢力がなぜ移民を推進するのか"も想像を

It's strange, but PM Kishida really believes that "multicultural coexistence" is possible.
Of course, it's possible for Japanese persons, who respect other ones and their cultures, to move to other countries and coexist with them.
However, the "tragedy in Europe" & "this footage" show that it's impossible to coexist with an exclusive culture.
Please imagine what would happen to Ise Jingu, Izumo Taisha and Yasukuni Shrine.
And please imagine "why anti-Japan forces promote immigration."



> 国の為に一生懸命働く議員は "ヤバい議員"とされ、中国や財務省の操り人形の政治家は "いい議員"とされる日本。
> そろそろ目を覚ましたらどうか。
> 日本への核攻撃を囃す中国社会の実態を知っているのか。
> 憲法改正、集団安保体制の構築、実質的抑止力の確立に導ける現実政治家に日本を託さなければ平和と国民の命は守れない

Japan is a country, where lawmakers, who work hard for the country, are considered "dangerous ones," while politicians, who are puppets of China and the MoF, are considered "good ones."
Now is the time for you to wake up, isn't it!?
Do you know the reality of Chinese society, which is calling for a nuclear attack on Japan!?
We can't defend peace and lives of the nationals, unless the we entrust it to realistic politicians, who can surely lead the way to amending the constitution, building a collective security system and establishing a real deterrent.



> 欧州議会が「台湾と中国は互いに隷属せず、台湾で直接選挙によって選ばれた政府だけが国際社会で台湾の人々を代表する事ができる。台湾は EUのインド太平洋地域における重要なパートナーだ」と表明。
> 更に中国に地域の安定を脅かす行為を停止するよう呼びかけた。
> 素晴らしい。
> 日本も続け

The European Parliament expressed that "Taiwan and China are not dependent on each other, and only a directly elected government in Taiwan can represent the Taiwanese people in the international community. Taiwan is an important partner of the E.U. in the Indo-Pacific region."
In addition, it called on China to stop acts threatening regional stability.
Japan should follow too.



> 殺到する非難に岸田訪韓見送りへ。
> 大谷翔平選手出場のドジャース開幕戦に合せた訪韓が国民の怒りを前に敢えなく "沈没"。
> 訪韓より日韓請求権協定違反の "応募工詐取"への制裁は?
> 通貨スワップ再開やホワイト国復帰という失態への総括は?
> 首相には WiLL拙稿を読み反省して頂きたい

PM Kishida's visit to S. Korea was postponed due to the flood of criticism.
A visit to S. Korea in conjunction with the opening game of Los Angeles Dodgers (LAD), in which Shohei Otani will appear, was "sunk" in the face of public anger.
Rather than visit to S. Korea, how about sanctions for "applicant-workers fraud" violating the Japan-RoK claim rights agreement!?
How about the summary of failures of restarting the "currency swap" and re-listing (S. Korea) on "white countries list"!?
I would like the PM to read my contribution to monthly magazine "WiLL" and reflect.

>"岸田首相の今月下旬の韓国訪問 見送りの見通し 森屋官房副長官"