

>"維新高橋氏、クルド人「一斉取り締まりを」→ 前川喜平氏「こんな差別主義者が、なぜ国会議員になれるのか?」"

>'クルド人 "日本人◯ね"騒動、作家・河崎環氏「そもそも日本人のデモが問題」「外国では中指立てるのは普通。なんなら私の息子も立てる!」→ 大炎上'


Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 2/29)


> セキュリティークリアランス法案にハニートラップ条項なし。
> 何やってんだ!

No honey trap clause in security clearance bill.
What is (the Kishida administration) doing!



> 前川喜平さんが文科省トップになれたほうがよほど不思議なんですが。
> 前川さんの業績って、ゆとり教育で日本人の学力を低下させて、大川小学校の件や天下りあっせん、出会い系通いなど国民の信頼を裏切り、教育行政への信用を失墜させただけですよね。
> その後も「面従腹背」なんて言い訳して、反政府活動で「左翼が文科省を牛耳っている」という印象を与えたのも業績ですか?

I find it even more strange that Kihei Maekawa was able to become the top of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology.
All Maekawa's accomplishments were lowering the academic ability of Japanese persons through "yutori Education" (relaxed education), betraying the nationals' trust in the Okawa Elementary School case, coordinating "amakudari" (high-ranking government officials' landing lucrative posts in private companies)" and going to a "dating club," and ruined trust in educational administration.
Or is it your achievement too that, after that, you continuouly use the excuse of "pretending to obey but secretly betraying" and your anti-government activities gives the impression that the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology is controlled by leftists.



> 維新の高橋英明氏が、税制面で「在日特権」があるのかと質問し、国税庁が全面否定。

> 公には特権は存在しないが、自治体現場レベルではその類の話を聞くことがある。
> そもそも特殊永住者制度が、存在理由がなくなったのに続いている「特権」ではないのか。
> 岸田政権がやっと改正に手をつけ始めたが、必要のないこの制度がなぜそれほど長年にわたり温存されてきたのか理由がわからない。

LH lawmaker Hideaki Takahashi (Nippon Ishin) questioned whether or not there are "ban-jjokbari privileges" in the tax system, and the National Tax Agency totally denied that.
Officially, there are no "(ban-jjokbari) privileges." However, I sometimes hear such kind of matters at local governments' on-site level.
To begin with, special permanent residential status is the "privilege," which has been continued even there it's no longer necessary, isn't it!?
The Kishida administration is finaly starting to deal with it to revise it, but I can't understand the reason why this unnecessary system has been preserved for so many years.

>"国税庁が「在日特権」否定 税優遇あるか問われ答弁"


> 韓国統計庁が、2023年の合計特殊出生率(1人の女性が生涯に産む子どもの数)が 0.72になったと発表。

> 出生率が低い代表と言われる日本が1.3程度だから、韓国はダントツに低い。
> 日本のの(ママ)ように「結婚したけどできない」が多いのと、韓国の「結婚したくない」が多いのはどちらがマシだろう。

The Korean Statistical Information Service (KOSIS) released that the total fertility rate (the number of children a female gives birth to over her lifetime) in 2023 was 0.72.

Japan, which is said to be the country with the low birth rate, has a birth rate of around 1.3 -- S. Korea's birth rate is therefore by far the lowest.
Which is better: like in Japan, where there are many persons who say "even though I want to get married, it's impossible," or in S. Korea, where there are many persons who say "I don't want to get married."

>"韓国出生率 23年「0.72」、過去最低更新 子育て不安重く"