Ref.>"【サッカー】北朝鮮代表 リ・ユイル監督は号泣"



> PAC3展開訓練を九州初公開 周辺国のミサイル能力の向上に備え迎撃態勢を整える

Translation; Air SDF conducted deployment-drill of improved edition PAC-3 in Fukuoka, while assuming interception of ballistic missiles

>'空自、福岡で PAC3の展開訓練 改良型、弾道ミサイル迎撃想定'

> 航空自衛隊は 28日、福岡市東区の水族館「マリンワールド海の中道」に隣接する駐車場で、地対空誘導弾パトリオット(PAC3)部隊の機動展開訓練を実施した。
> 弾道ミサイル発射を繰り返す北朝鮮や軍事力増強を続ける中国を念頭に、有事の対応力向上が狙い。
> 防護範囲が広い改良型の「PAC3MSE」を投入し、機材の展開から撤去までの手順を確認した。

On Feb. 28, the Japan Air SDF conducted maneuver deployment training with a surface-to-air guided Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC3) unit (* the 8th Fire Unit, Western Air Defense Missile Group) at a parking lot adjacent to the Marine World uminonakamichi aquarium in Higashi Ward, Fukuoka City.
The aim is to upgrade the ability to respond to a contingency, while keeping in mind N. Korea, which repeatedly fires ballistic missiles, and China, which continuously increase its military power.
An improved version of "PAC3MSE" with a wider protection range was mobilized, and the procedures from deployment to removal of the equipment were confirmed.

Ref.>"PAC-3 maneuver deployment training in Fukuoka city "

> 午前9時半ごろ、機材を引いた車両が次々と到着。
> 弾道ミサイルを追尾するレーダーを展開し、空に向けて発射機を上げるなどして、20分程度で迎撃態勢を整えた。
> PAC3は、海上自衛隊のイージス艦の迎撃ミサイルが大気圏外で撃ち漏らした弾道ミサイルを狙う役割を担う。

Around 9:30 am, vehicles pulling equipment arrived there one after another.
It took about 20 minutes to prepare for an interception -- they deployed a radar to track ballistic missiles, raised launchers toward the sky, etc.
PAC3 is responsible for targeting ballistic missiles, which interceptor missiles of the Japan Maritime SDF's Aegis vessels fail to shot down outside the atmosphere.