
>"第三国輸出、与党月内合意を断念… 公明「政府の説明が不十分」→ 『連立解消』がトレンド入り"

>"第三国輸出、与党月内合意を断念 次期戦闘機、公明が慎重 → 小野田紀美「国益を損なうにもほどがある!」"

> 第三国への直接輸出「歯止めが必要」自・公に "隔たり"『次期戦闘機』輸出めぐり協議【報道ステーション】(2024年2月21日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/28)


> 自公両党が次期戦闘機を含め国際共同開発する防衛装備品の第三国輸出を巡り政府が求める月内の与党合意を見送る方針を固めた。
> 呆れて言葉なし。
> 小野田紀美氏は「>"信じがたい。国益を損なうにもほどがある。"」と怒り。
> 中国の利益の為に動く公明党といつまで連立組んでるの?
> 誇りも定見も見識もない岸田首相

The LDP and the Komei Party have decided to postpone the government's request for a ruling-party agreement within this month regarding the export of internationally & jointly developed defense equipment, including the next generation fighter jet, to 3rd party countries.
I was stunned & speechless.
UH lawmaker Miki Onoda (LDP) X-posted in anger that "It's unbelievable. It's too much to undermine the national interest."
How long will (the LDP) form a coalition government with Komei Party, which works for China's interests?
PM Kishida, who has no pride, fixed opinion and insight.

>"第三国輸出、与党月内合意を断念 次期戦闘機、公明が慎重"


> 松下新平議員の例を見るまでもなく中国共産党に支配された議員は目白押し。国民の間から
> …との声が上がるのも当然だろう。

> その意味で9月の自民党総裁選は〈日本の保守・現実派 vs 中国共産党〉の戦いになる

Needless to say an example of UH lawmaker Shinpei Matsushita (LDP), there are many Diet members, who are controlled by the Chinese Communist Party.
It's no wonder that the following views are voiced among the nationals.
"The spy lawmakers are as follows;
1) don't visit Yasukuni Shrine
2) oppose the nuclear power negeneration
3) oppose the possessing enemy-base strike capability
4) oppose the anti-espionage act.

In that meaning, the LDP presidential election in September will be a battle between ["Japanese conservatives and realists" vs "Chinese Communist Party"].



> 維新の高橋英明議員が国会で治安悪化等に苦しむ川口市民らを念頭に "早急に一斉取締りを"と岸田首相を質した。
> だが共同通信は逆に高橋氏を糾弾。
> 飯山陽氏は「>"ヘイト警察さながらのレッテル貼り乱発で日本人を萎縮させ、誰も外国人問題に言及しない社会を作り出そうという魂胆だろう。30年前の欧州メディアと全く同じだ"」と。
> 無責任メディアが日本を滅ぼす

LH lawmaker Hideaki Takahashi (Nippon Ishin) questioned P Kishida in a Diet settion that "en masse crackdown shoud be done ASAP," while taking Kawaguchi residents suffering from deteriorating public order and so on in mind.
However, Kyodo News on the contrary criticized Takahashi.
Visiting Prof. Akari Iiyama at Reitaku University X-posted that "By recklessly & repeatedly labeling persons like a hate police, it's probably intended to shrink the Japanese persons and create a society where no one comments on the issue of foreigners. It's exactly the same as media in Europe 3 decades ago."
Irresponsible media will ruin Japan.


>"維新高橋氏、クルド人危険視発言 国会質疑で「一斉取り締まりを」"