


>"Kim Jong Un Scraps Family Legacy Under New Policy"

>"[Speaking Out] Separating the Abductions from the Nuclear Issue Has Moved Pyongyang"

> N. Korea operating arms factories at full capacity to supply weapons to...

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation; [Channel Seiron]. N. Korea's national policy has been being shaken

>'[チャンネル正論]. 国是が揺れる北朝鮮'

> 北朝鮮による拉致被害者家族連絡会(家族会)と北朝鮮に拉致された日本人を救出するための全国協議会(救う会)の新たな運動方針が決まった。
> 窮地に追い込まれこれまでの国是まで変え、日本への接近を図る北朝鮮にいかに対処し、拉致被害者を取り戻すか。
> 麗澤大学客員教授で公益財団法人モラロジー研究所歴史研究室長・教授の西岡力氏に月刊「正論」編集委員、安藤慶太が聞く。

New activity policy of "the Association of the Families of Victims Kidnapped by N. Korea" & "National Association for the Rescue of Japanese Kidnapped by North Korea" has been fixed.
How to deal with N. Korea -- which has been forced into a predicament and changed its hitherto national policy, and attempts to move closer to Japan -- and how to retake the Japanese abductees!?
Keita Ando, editorial committee of the monthly magazine "Seiron" interviews with visiting Prof. Tsutomu Nishioka at Reitaku University doubling Head of the History Section of the Moralogy Foundation.

> 国是が揺れる北朝鮮