Ref.>"TSMCに 7300億円支援 熊本第2工場の建設 日本政府の支援=計1.2兆円規模"


> 国基研チャンネル 第 521回「トランプ『失言』の日本に向けた意味」 島田洋一(福井県立大学名誉教授)

Translation; Important materials will be accommodated = in IPEF supply chain agreement was enforced by five countries including the U.S. and Japan

>'IPEF供給網協定が発効 日米5カ国、重要物資を融通'

> 新経済圏構想「インド太平洋経済枠組み(IPEF)」のサプライチェーン(供給網)協定が 24日、日本、米国、インド、シンガポール、フィジーの5カ国で発効した。
> 半導体やレアメタル(希少金属)など経済安全保障上の重要物資の調達が困難となった場合に、生産活動に支障が出ないよう多国間で融通し合う。

On Feb. 24, a supply chain agreement for the new economic zone initiative "Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF)" was enforced by five countries: the U.S., Japan, India, Singapore and Fiji.
In case that it becomes difficult to procure important materials for economic security, such as semiconductors and rare metals, multilateral mutual accomodation will be done to prevent that production activities are not disrupted.

> 日米政府によると、これだけ多くの国が参加して供給網途絶時の連携手続きを協定で定めるのは世界で初めて。
> 米主導で 2022年5月に発足した IPEFの具体策第1弾として動き出す。
> 保護主義的な輸出規制をはじめ、覇権主義に傾く中国への抑止力の役割が期待される。

According to the Japanese- and U.S. governments, this is the 1st time in the world to stipulate procedures for cooperation in the event of a supply chain disruption in an agreement with so many countries participated in it.
It will be kicked of as the 1st concrete measure of the IPEF, which was established in May 2022 led the the U.S.
It's expected to play a role of deterrence against China, which has been leaning towards hegemonism including protectionist export controls, etc.