

>"【動画】300年の歴史誇る『絶対に見てはいけない祭り』、撮影が許可される… 「画面越しに見るのは OK!」"

> 欧米 "支援疲れ"で戦況は膠着状態 ウクライナ侵攻から2年【スーパー Jチャンネル】(2024年2月 24日)

Translation of X (* tweets) by Chiyoda Ward councilor Tsukasa Shirakawa (LDP, on '24. 2/24)


> アルメニアがロシア主導の集団安全保障条約 CSTOの参加を凍結。

> アゼルバイジャンに責(ママ)められたときロシアが支援せずナゴルノカラバフを奪われたから、アルメニアはロシアに愛想を尽かしていた。
> 当然こうなる。

Armenia has frozen its participation in the Russian-led "Collective Security Treaty Organization" (CSTO).

When it was attacked by Azerbaijan, Russia did not provide support and Nagorno-Karabakh was deprived. Armenia has therefore fed up with Russia.
As a matter of course, this is what happens.

>"アルメニア首相 ロシア主導の軍事同盟への参加凍結を表明"



> 松下氏本人までたどり着けるかどうか。

Of the two Chinese females who were referred to prosecutors in the case that "a Chinese secret police base" was raided, the 44-year-old female is a former executive director of the "Japan Community Federation of Fuzhou," who self-claimed as a "diplomatic advisor and diplomatic secretary" for UH lawmaker Shinpei Matsushita (LDP) and was even suspected to be his mistress.

What does matter is whether or not pissible to reach at Matsushita himself.