

Translation of X (* tweets) by Kohyu Nishimura (journalist, on '24. 2/24)


> そもそも日本の国家主権を侵害する北京の「警察拠点」などというものが東京にあるだけで大事件。
> しかもその工作拠点に関与する女を逮捕もできず、書類送検という情けなさ。
> 日本に国家主権が本当にあるとはとても思えない。
> 朝日と日共が 80年代に反対した「スパイ防止法」すらないので逮捕もできない。
>※ 衆議院国家安全保障特別委員会の参考人意見陳述全篇は

In the 1st place, the mere fact that a "police base" of Beijing violating Japan's national sovereignty is located in Tokyo is a major case.
What's more, what so regret is that impossible to arrest the female involved in its work-operation, and only sent the documents to prosecutors.
I can hardly believe that Japan really has national sovereignty.
It's even impossible to arrest her because there is no "anti-espionage law," to which The Asahi Shimbun and the JCP opposed in 1980s.

* Following is the full version of the opinion-statement by the informant at a LH national security special committee.

>"【西村幸祐】「報道しない自由は許されるのか」衆議院国家安全保障特別委員会 参考人招致 平成 25年(2013)11月19日 火"


> 自民党参院議員 "元秘書"の「シナ人美女」がついに書類送検。
> 捜査のウラにあった中国「秘密警察拠点」と重要法案の存在。
> どのメディアも報じないと週刊新潮は言うが産経も 21日付で抜いた重大事件。
> ネットで情報を追っていた人は何を今更だろう。
> 文化人放送局では昨年早い段階で多くの人が疑惑に言及した。

The "beautiful Chinese female," who is "former secretary" of UH lawmaker (LDP, * Shinpei Matsushita) is finally sent documents to prosecutors.
There are China's "secret police base" and "important bill," which are hidden behind the investigation.
Weekly Shincho says that no media has reported it, but The Sankei Shimbun also scooped the serious case on Feb. 21.
For those, who checked the information online, it's likely "What's the point now?".
At Bunkajin Broadcast Station (* online program), many persons commented on the case at early stage last year.

>'自民党参院議員 "元秘書"の「中国人美女」がついに書類送検 捜査のウラにあった中国「秘密警察拠点」と重要法案の存在'


> 中国共産党が日本にも「警察拠点」。
> 警視庁公安部が持続化給付金詐取容疑で女2人を書類送検したが他メディアは報じない。
> 送検されたシナ人女は北京の警察拠点に出入りし、自民松下新平参院議員の通行証で議員会館にフリーアクセス。
> 国家中枢に工作員が簡単に入り何でもできる。
> 安倍派議員への無意味な取り調べとどっちが重大か?

The Chinese Communist Party sets up "police bases" in Japan too.
The Metropolitan Police Department's Public Safety Department referred two females to prosecutors on suspicion of stealing "sustainability benefits."
However, other media don't report the case.
The Chinese female, who was sent documents to the prosecutor's office, went in and out of a police base in Beijing, and used a pass of UH lawmaker Shinpei Matsushima (LDP) and had free access to the Diet Building.
An agent can easily enter the center of the state and do anything.
Which is more important than the meaningless interrogation of lawmakers of the Abe faction?