
>"Celebrating Emperor Naruhito's 64th Birthday as He Prays for Earthquake Survivors"

>"Takeshima Day: Govt Should Urge S. Korea to Follow Intl Law to Solve Territorial Issue"

>【LIVE】天皇誕生日 一般参賀 天皇皇后両陛下のお出まし(令和6年2月 23日)

Translation of X (* tweet) by LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP, on '24. 2/23)


> 天長節。
> 心よりお祝い申し上げます。
> 天皇陛下の益々の御健勝と皇室の弥栄を祈念いたします。

The Emperor's happy birthday.
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart.
I pray for more and more good health of His Majesty the Emperor and the prosperity of the Imperial household.



> 昨日は竹島の日。
> 朝の飛行機で島根県に入り、式典に参加しました。
> コロナが明け、入場制限なしの開催となり、街は厳しい警戒体制でした。
> 島根県知事そして、隠岐島町長のスピーチを久しぶりに生で聞きましたが、本当に刺さります。
> 本来なら国が開催すべきもの。
> 何故国防を外交を地方自治体にやらせるのか?
> その悔しい思いが伝わってきます。
> 平沼正二郎政務官の挨拶は素晴らしかったですが、会場からは「何故大臣が来ないんだ」という抗議の声が。
> 中国ブロック選出の議員としてしっかり国の態度を糺したいと思います。

Yesterday was "Takeshima Day."
I took a morning flight, went to Shimane Prefecture and participated in the ceremony.
With the COVID-19 relevant regulation was lifted, the event was held without admission restrictions, and the streets were on strict alert.
I listened to the live speeches of Shimane Pref. Gov. (Tatsuya Maruyama) & Okinoshima Town Mayor (Kosei Ikeda) for the 1st time in a while.
They really hit a sore spot.
Originally, it should've been held by the central government.
Why does (Tokyo) make local governments carry out "national defense" & "diplomacy"!?
I could feel that regret.
The speech by Shojiro Hiranuma, a parliamentary vice minister of the Cabinet Office, was excellent. However, protest-voice occurred at the venue that "Why don't no ministers come here?"
As a national lawmaker elected fron the the Chugoku electoral bloc, I would like to firmly grill the central government's attitude.