Ref.>"台湾 「日本は良い選択、韓国はダメ」 TSMCの熊本工場開所に言及"

>"N. Korea accuses U.S. of 'double standard' toward human rights"

>"S. Korean, U.S., Japanese FMs stress cooperation over N. Korea's provocations, military support for Russia: State Dept."

> 韓国の棚ぼた式独立で大はしゃぎ。哀れやね!2.8や3.1は妄想。真実をひた隠す国家。【報道局 MHK】MHKニュース

↓(See detail of this article)、レコード・チャイナの記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of Record China)

Translation; "The stock market evaluates the policy measures," PM Fumio Kishida expressed so on the record high Nikkei-225 stock index and showed his will to de-deflation


> 2024年2月 20日、韓国・JTBCによると、韓国・国家報勲部傘下の独立記念館の理事にパク・イテク落星台経済研究所所長が任命され、物議を醸している。
> 記事によると、落星台経済研究所は、「反日」を批判した書籍「反日種族主義」の著者3人が所属する団体としてかつて物議を醸した組織。
> 国家報勲部関係者は取材に対し「今月1日にパク所長が独立記念館の理事に就任したのは本当だ」と話したという。

According to JTBC in S. Korea on Feb. 20, 2024, it causes controversy that Director of the Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research, "Park Yi-taek," was appoinsted director of the S. Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs affiliated Independence Hall of Korea
According to the article, the Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research is an oranization which once caused controversy, as the organization to which three authors of the book "Anti-Japan Tribalism" criticizing "anti-Japan" belong.
In a coverage, an official of the S. Korean Ministry of Patriots and Veterans Affairs said that "It's true that Director Park Yi-taek assumed director of the Independence Hall of Korea on Feb. 1."

> 独立記念館は、独立記念館法に基づき館長1人を含む15人以内の理事と監事1人を置くことができる。
> 理事の任期は2年だという。
> パク所長が所属する落星台経済研究所は1987年に設立された私設の研究機関で、2019年に一部の研究員が書籍「反日種族主義」を出版し物議を醸した。
> 同書には日本植民地時代の徴用工と慰安婦の強制性を否定し、植民地近代化論を擁護する内容が盛り込まれている。
> 独島(日本名:竹島)を韓国領とするには「学術的根拠が不足している」との内容もあるという。

The Independence Hall of Korea can have up to 15 directors, including one director-general, and one auditor, based on the Independence Hall Act.
The term of office for directors is allegedly two years.
The Naksungdae Institute of Economic Research, to which Director Park Yi-taek belongs, is a private research institution established in 1987.
In 2019, some researchers published a book titled "Anti-Japan Tribalism," which caused controversy.
The contents embedded in the book to deny coersiveness in conscripted workers and comfort women during the Japanese colonial period, and defend the theory of colonial modernization.
Even the contents to state that there are "insufficient academic evidence to assert Dokdo (Takeshima in Japanese) as S. Korean territory is embedded.

> そのためパク所長を独立記念館の理事に任命することは「独立運動精神を宣揚する独立記念館の精神に合致しない」との指摘が出ているという。
> この記事を見た韓国のネットユーザーからは「この国はどうしてしまったのか。悲しい、ため息が出る、腹立たしい」「これは本当に間違っている。歴史の前で恥ずかしくないのか。現政権はなぜこうなのか」「このままだと親日派に独立記念館を占領されてしまう」「名称も親日記念館に変わるのでは?」「この国は一体どこへ向かっているの?」「近い将来、独島は日本領になっているだろう」など反発の声が続出している。

Therefore, it's allegedly pointed out that to appoint Director Park to director of the Independence Hall of Korea "doesn't match the spirit of the Independence Hall of Korea, which declares and raises independent move spirit."
S. Korean netizens, who read the article, are posting comments of displeasure as follows;
"What has happened to this country? It's sad, it makes me sigh, and it makes me angry."
"It's really wrong. Aren't they ashamed in front of history? Why is the sitting administration like this?"
"If it goes as it is, the Independence Hall of Korea will be occupied by pro-Japan factions."
"Wouldn't the name be probably changed to the pro-Japan memorial hall?". "Where is this country heading?".
"In the near future, Dokdo will become a Japanese territory."