Ref.>"生活の質ランキング 日本11位 韓国 37位 中国 61位"

>"【大分】70代女性を多目的トイレに連れ込み、性的暴行&現金約6万円など奪う… 園竜次被告(26)に懲役8年の実刑判決"

> クルド文化協会「日本人しねなんて言ってない」←言ってる動画がありました

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/22)


> 杉田水脈氏への人権侵害報道を続ける共同通信が今度は若林洋平自民参院議員に信じ難い記事。
> 若林氏が "ニホンジン、シネ!"などと叫ぶクルド人に「日本人の国なので日本の文化・しきたりを理解できない外国の方は母国にお帰り下さい」と当然の事をポストすると、共同は「憎悪をあおった」と。
> 完全に "#活動家通信"。
> 毎月何千万円も共同に払う地方紙はこれでいいの?

"Kyodo News," which continuouly distribute articles violating human rights of LH lawmaker Mio Sugita (LDP), published an unbelievable article on UH lawmaker Yohei Wakabayashi (LDP) this time.
Wakabayashi X-posted an as a matter of course thing that "This is a country of Japanese persons, therefore foreigners who can't understand Japanese culture and customs, return to your home country, please" to Kurds shouting "Japanese, die!," etc. In response to that, Kyodo News reported that "he fanned hatred."
It's completely "* activists news."
Do local newspapers, which pay tens of millions of yens each month, tolerate that!?

>"自民若林氏、クルド人憎悪あおる 「国にお帰り」と SNSに投稿"


> 竹島の日に一色正春氏が3つの重要ポイントを指摘↓
> … 占領下の日本に韓国が突然 "李承晩ライン"を引き、約4千人の漁業者を拿捕、連行し、44人を死傷させた事実を忘れてはならない

On "Takeshima Day," Masaharu Isshiki pointed out three important matters as follows;
1) Even though (or rather because) there was the Japanese constitution, the nationals were captured and the island were deprived.
2) U.S. Forces, on which Japan depended, did nothing.
3) Both in nowadays and in the past, Tokyo uses (used) the Constitution as an excuse in order to avoid to deprive back the nationals and the island.
… We must never forget the fact that S. Korea suddenly drew the "Syngman Rhee Line" against occupied Japan, seizing and abducting approx. 4,000 fishermen and made 44 dead or wounded casualties.
