


>「全国の空港が人だかり」旧正月に韓国人が選んだのは圧倒的にアノ国だった 24/2/12報道【ニュース 海外の反応 スレまとめ】

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 2/22)


> 私が思う「日韓の相手に対する過大評価」🙄

> 韓国の過大評価:東京地検特捜部
> →「日本の正義を守るヒーロ」のように語られる
> 日本の過大評価:「韓国の民主化」
> → 副作用、結果などについては語らず、群衆が立ち上がってデモしたことだけを評価する

"Overestimations by Japan and S. Korea against counterpart relatively," in my view🙄

Overestimation by S. Korea: Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office Special Investigation Department
→ It's talked about like a "hero who protects justice in Japan."
Overestimation by Japan: "Democratization of S. Korea"
→ Don't talk about side effects, results, etc., while only evaluating the fact that the crowd stood up and demonstrated.

> 韓国抗日運動の象徴「3・1独立運動記念日」の前後の日本行き航空便は「満席」🤣
> 数年前はこの日に日本旅行に行った芸能人夫婦がバッシングに遭ったけどね🙄
> 私はこの「豹変」が怖い😮
> 1945年の終戦の日も同じだったと思う😰

Flights to Japan around "March 1st Independence Movement Day," a symbol of the (S)Korean anti-Japan move, are fully booked🤣
A few years ago, an entertainer-couple, who went on a trip to Japan on this day, was bashed.
I'm scared of this "sudden change"😮
I think it was the same on the day of the end of war in 1945.