

> 日立造船の供託金を徴用工が受け取り →林官房長官「極めて遺憾だ」

Translation of X (* tweets) by Ryusho Kadota (writer doubling journalist, on '24. 2/21)


> 元 "徴用工"訴訟で日立造船の供託金を原告側に支給。
> 外務省は尹徳敏駐日大使を呼び厳重抗議との事だが日韓通貨スワップまで再開しておきながら何?
> 全部頂いたらこうなる事は分ってるでしょ。
> 韓国では "遂に勝利。おめでとう" "日本も過去の歴史をさっぱり解決せよ"と喜び爆発。
> 安倍首相は実害が出れば断乎たる対抗処置と言っていたが岸田首相は遺憾砲だけ?
> ホトホトあり得ない政権

In a former "recruited labor" lawsuit, Hitachi Zosen's deposit-money was paid to the plaintiff side.
The MoFA summoned S. Korean ambassador to Japan Yun Duk-min and lodged a strong protest. However, even though it resumed the Japan-S. Korea currency swap, what is the point now?
They know what happens when (S. Korea) takes all what it wants.
There is an explosion of joy in S. Korea -- "finally a victory. Congratulations," "Japan should also resolve its past history once and for all," etc.
PM Abe has said that if actual damages occurred, he would take decisive countermeasures.
Does PM Kishida only fire regret-cannon?
He is reallu anb impossible government.



> 日本企業に実害が出た事で韓国に厳しい対抗措置が必要な日本。
> 2019年3月、安倍時代の麻生太郎副総理兼財務相は衆院財務金融委員会で報復として「関税引き上げに限らず、送金の停止、ビザの発給停止とか対抗措置には色々ある」と答弁。
> さぁ報復カードを切って下さい、岸田さん

Japan needs to take strict countermeasures against S. Korea due to that the actual damage caused to the Japanese company.
In March 2019, Taro Aso, vice PM doubliong Minister of Finance during the Abe period, gave an answer at a LH Finance and Financial Affairs Committee that as a retaliation, "There are various countermeasures, including not only raising tariffs, but also suspending remittances and suspending visa issuance."
Now, please play the retaliation card, Mr. Kishida.

>"元徴用工訴訟で初の〝実害〟 韓国で異常な手続きが強行 舐められた岸田首相の遺憾砲、効果あるのか? 報復カードを切れ"


> 日本人はレイシストであるとのレッテルを貼るクルド人。
> かつて世界で初めて人種差別撤廃を提唱した事も知らないだろう。
> だが日本のトップ岸田首相は "日本人は(少数者に)放火、差別、名誉毀損をする"との "第二の河野談話"を世界に発信した。
> 宏池会政権がなぜダメなのか…
> 国民はいい加減に気づいて欲しい

Kurds label Japanese as racist.
Probably, they don't know that (Japan) was the 1st country in the world to advocate the elimination of racial discrimination.
However, Japan's top leader, PM Kishida, released a "2nd Kono Statement" to the world -- "Japanese commit arson, discrimination and defamation (against minorities)."
Why a Kouchikai administration is so bad...
I want the nationals to be aware of this finally.



> 海自練習艦隊の今野泰樹司令官ら165人が昨年5月、靖国に集団参拝していた事が分った、と朝日。
> それで?
>「靖国神社に事実関係の確認を求めているが 20日昼までに回答はなかった」との事だが、何が問題なのか。
> 特亜3か国に何か言わせたい?
> そんなに日本が嫌いなら早く特亜3か国に行きなさい。
> 誰も止めない

The Asahi Shimbun reported that it turned out that 165 persons including Yasushige Konno, commander of the Maritime SDF training fleet, made a group visit to the Yasukuni Shrine last May.
So what?
It reported that "We have inquired the Yasukuni Shrine to confirm the facts. However, there was no response by noon on Feb. 20." Howver, what's the problem?
Does (the Asahi Shimbun) want to make the three specific Asian countries say something?
As (the Asahi Shimbun) hates Japan so much, go to the three specific Asian countries ASAP.
There are no persons to block it.


>"海自が靖国神社に集団参拝 練習艦隊の隊員、幕僚長「自由意思」"