Ref.>"高須院長「DJ SODAは不自然」"


>"トヨタの時価総額、サムスン超え 韓国ネット「沈まない太陽・サムスンを引きずり下ろすとはすごい男だ」"

>'【動画】"日本語話せない"ことを理由に韓国人旅系 YouTuberを "宿泊拒否"した山口県のスパ施設が謝罪「従業員への教育の不足から誤った対応」'

>"日本語話せない"ことを理由に韓国人旅系 YouTuberを "宿泊拒否"した山口県のスパ施設が謝罪「従業員への教育の不足から誤った対応」. 女性自身、その他

Translation of X (* tweet) by Che Su-kyoung (on '24. 2/19)


> これ韓国のネットでも話題になってたけど、ユーチューバー批判の声が多かった。

> なぜなら

> 状況は同情するが、前提条件無視は良くないというのが多数意見だった🤔

This has become an online hot topic in S. Korea too, and there were many voices criticizing the YouTuber.

The reasons why are as follows;
* This accommodation is not listed on websites for foreign tourists such as agoda.
* It's only posted on Japanese domestic websites such as Yahoo and Rakuten, and it's clearly stated that it's limited to persons who can speak Japanese.

The majority opinion was that although we sympathized with the situation, it's not good to ignore the preconditions🤔




> それに「営業してる店に了承も得ず最初からカメラ回しながら入ったら誰が歓迎するか?マナーに問題がある」と叱咤の声も多かった。
In addition, there were many scolding comments such as that "Who welcome you, even though you entered the operating store while filming without permission? The manner is problematic."