
>"広島弁護士会長、職員研修に教育勅語「明らかに誤り」→ 杉田水脈議員「教育勅語には、なに一つおかしなことは書かれていない」"

> 公式切り抜き「人権侵犯」認定された杉田水脈氏がいなければ日本の汚名は返上出来ていなかった!」

* The contents of the verdict is as follows, no more, no less;
- "CW issue is a fake" = no problem
- "The researches by the professors and so on are not researches, but activities" = no problem
- "The way of use of Kakenhi is sloppy" = pay ¥330 thousands compensation

Translation;"Being filed bluntly" two lawsuits = LH lawmaker Mio Sugita, who was partly ordered to pay compensations, distributed a footage

>"2訴訟「ふっかけられた」と配信 一部賠償の自民・杉田水脈氏"

> 自民党の杉田水脈衆院議員は、自身が一部賠償を命じられた二つの民事裁判について「ふっかけられた」と述べた。
> 2訴訟とも杉田氏のツイッター(現在の X)やインターネット番組での発信に対し、名誉侵害などが問われたもの。
> 16日に配信されたインターネット番組「ニコニコ生放送」で言及した。

LH lawmaker Mio Sugita said "(I was) bluntly filed" regarding the two civil lawsuits in which she was ordered to pay compensation partically.
Both two lawsuits were filed to charge such as infringement of honor regarding Sugita's disseminations on Twitter (currently known as X) and online programs.
She commented so in an online program of "Niconico Live Broadcast" aired on Feb. 16.

> 2件のうち慰安婦問題の研究費の使い方を非難されたとして大学名誉教授らが起こした訴訟では昨年5月、杉田氏は大阪高裁から 33万円の賠償を命じる判決を言い渡された。
> もう1件の訴訟は、性被害を公表したジャーナリストから名誉毀損を訴えられ、55万円の賠償支払いが今月確定した。

Of the two cases, in May last year, Sugita was handed down the sentence from the Osaka High Court ordering to pay \330,000 in compensation in a lawsuit filed by a university professor emeritus and so on, who complained to be accused of the way of using research fund on comfort women issue.
In the other lawsuit, a defamation lawsuit filed by a journalist who published her sexual damage, compensation payment of \550,000 was finalized this month.