
>"【KPOP】あの 8TURNがついに日本デビュー"

>"韓国「好き」、4年で14 → 37% 日経世論調査"


* In S. Korea, a term of not "Japanese emperor" but "Japanese king" is used. That's all.
We must never believe improvement of Japan-S. Korea relations.

Translation;"Kimigayo" was played once again in central part of Seoul -- a "commemorative event of the birthday of the Japanese emperor"


> 駐韓日本大使館主催でソウルのあるホテルで開かれた徳仁天皇の誕生日記念行事で、日本の国歌「君が代」が2年連続で演奏されたと、17日(現地時間)に日本の「産経新聞」が報道した。

On Feb. 17 (local time), "The Sankei Shimbun" in Japan reported that Japan's national anthem "Kimigayo" was played for two years in a row at a birthday commemorative event for Emperor Naruhito at a hotel in Seoul, which was promoted by the Japanese Embassy in S. Korea.
Via his column titled "Bold decision by the Japanese Embassy in S. Korea," on that day, visiting editorial writer in Seoul Katsuhiro Kuroda of "The Sankei Shimbun" conveyed that "Kimigayo is as a matter of course as diplomatic protocol, this year too, it was therefore solemnly played at the beginning (of the commemorative event on Feb. 14)."

> 14日、ソウルのあるホテルでは国内外の各界の約 450人が参加した中、徳仁天皇誕生日(2月23日)の記念行事が開かれた。
> 過去にソウルで開かれた天皇の祝宴では韓国の反日感情を考慮して君が代を演奏しなかったが、昨年に初めて君が代が演奏された。

On Feb. 14, a commemorative event for Emperor Naruhito's birthday (February 23rd) was held at a hotel in Seoul, attended by approximately 450 people from all walks of life, both domestically and internationally.
In the past, Kimigayo was not played at a commemorative banquet relevant Japanese emperor in Seoul due to consideration for anti-Japan sentiment in S. Korea. However, Kimigayo was performed for the 1st time last year.

> 当時、日本大使館の関係者は、「出席者に負担をかけないように配慮してきたが、過度な面もあった」とし「大使館主催の行事に国歌の演奏は自然なことであり、日韓関係改善の流れの中で今回は当然の姿にしようとして、韓国の国歌とともに君が代を流すことにした」と説明した。
Around that time, an official of the Japanese embassy explained that "We paid consideration to avoid placing a burden on attendees in the past. However, it was excessive in one aspect" and "It's natural for the national anthem to be played at an event promoted by an embassy. Therefore in the trend of improvement of Japan-S. Korea relations, this time, we decided to play Kimigayo along with the S. Korean national anthem in order to make it as a matter of course."

> 韓国国内では君が代の演奏を批判する声もある中、2年間ソウルで開かれた天皇誕生日の行事に君が代の演奏をはじめ、一部の出席者が日本の伝統衣装である着物を着て行事に参加したことが分かった。
> なお、今回の行事では福島第1原発の爆発事故が起きた地域である福島産の「日本酒」を含めて日本各地の有名な日本酒も提供された。

In the situation that some express their opinion to criticize playint Kimigayo in S. Korea, in addition to playing Kimigaga, it turned out that some attendees wore Japanese traditional cloth of "Kimono" at the even on the emperor's birthday held for two years in a row in Seoul.
"The Sankei Shimbun" added that "Among them, Japanese style clothing of males was the 1st time."
Btw, at the event this time, famous Japanese sakes (* Japanese rice wine) in various locations in Japan, including "Japanese sake" from Fukushima, where TEPCO Fukushima No. 1 nuclear power plant accident occurred, was served.