Ref.>"Lew Seok-choon Secures Crucial Victory for Academic Freedom "

>"BOOK REVIEW | The Comfort Women Hoax: A Fake Memoir, North Korean Spies, and Hit Squads in the Academic Swamp"

>【海外の反応】日本『慰安婦は性奴隷じゃないって韓国も認めた』→ 韓国国内で超内ゲバに【ゆっくり解説】

↓(See detail of this article)、産経新聞の記事の翻訳(Translation of an article of The Sankei Shimbun)

Translation;[Excerpts from the Sankei] on Feb. 17 (2024). Principle of letting sleeping dogs lie of the MoFA is once again prevalent!?


> 山上信吾前駐オーストラリア大使が16日の小紙で、中国などの誹謗や難癖に対し、積極的に発信・反論する日本の大使が少ない一因を語っていた。
> まだ外務省の意識はその程度なのか。

"There is no atmosphere within the MoFA to appreciate to be interviewed and refute."
In an article placed on this newspaper on Feb. 16, former Japanese ambassador to Australia Shingo Yamagaki explained one of the reasons why there were small number of ambassadors who aggressively disseminate & refute against slanders and false claims by China, etc.
Does the MoFA still have that level of awareness?

>▼同日発売の山上氏の新著『>"中国「戦狼外交」と闘う"』には、任国に関する知見と人脈を誇る T大使を囲む座談会を月刊誌が企画したところ、事務次官の了解が出ずに実現しなかったエピソードも紹介されている。
> T大使とは、16日の小紙が大きく取り上げた垂秀夫前駐中国大使のことである。
> 専門家の意見表明の場を封じるとはもったいない。

* In the new book of Yamagami released on that day, [battle against "wolf warrior diplomacy" of China] (correct title in English is unknown), an episode is introduced that a monthly magazine planned a roundtable talks with "ambassador-T," who was proud of his knowledge and connections on the country he was appointed, but it wasn't realized as a fice minister didn't approved that.
"Ambassador-T" means former Japanese ambassador to China Hideo Tarumi, who was reported remarkably by this newspaper on Feb. 16.
It was regrettable to block the opportunity for experts to express his opinions.

> 特に慰安婦問題をはじめ、歴史認識問題では「寝た子を起こすな」とばかりに事実無根の批判にも立ち向かわず、ご無理ごもっともを決め込んだ。
> その結果、問題は立ち消えるどころか朝鮮人慰安婦 20万人説や性奴隷制説などのデタラメが世界に広まってしまったのだった。

* The MoFA' tendency to "letting sleeping dogs lie" has been pointed out for a long time.
In particular, when it came to historical awareness issues including comfort women one, (the MoFA) didn't stand up to groundless criticism, as if to say that "don't wake up a sleeping child," while taking weak-nee stance saying that it has a point against unreasonable claims.
As a result, rather than the issue fades away, the bullshit spread all over the world, such as "20,000 Korean CW theory" and "sex slave theory."

>▼平成 24年発足の第2次安倍晋三内閣以降は、安倍氏が中国などとの歴史戦を念頭に対外発信の強化を指示したことで、議論が苦手な大使らに対するディベート訓練なども行われるようになった。
> そのため少し油断していたが、トップが代われば元の木阿弥か

* Since inauguration of the 2nd Shinzo Abe administration in 2012, as Abe directed to upgrade oversead information dissemination while taking history wars against China and others in mind, such as debate training for ambassadors who were not good at discussion became to be done.
Therefore, I was a little bit careless. However, as the top person is replaced, is it ending up right back where one started!?

> その場面の次官の言葉が新著に記されている。

* Yamagami revealed to this newspaper that an idea to hoist three SDF flags of Ground, Maritime & Air on the SDF commemorative day in Augtralia was halted by the vice minister around that time.
The words of the vice minister at that time is noted on his new book.
"It's not the stage to do new matter. It's also an intention of the foreign minister."

* It's unclear whether or not it was the intention of the foreign minister. However, it's probably sure that if a politician have no problem-awareness, the diplomacy leans go to easy path.